14.•••The Date•••

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Jungkooks POV

I didn't message Jimin right away. Thought of doing it at night. I haven't told this to anyone. I will keep it as my secret till he says yes to date me.

I was lying on my bed wearing the dress I have decided to wear to the club. It's just some black hoodie and ripped blue jeans. Nothing special. I am not going to impress anyone tonight. I decided to send a simple message to my baby. I liked to call him that. The blush he had on his face when I called him baby was everything.

To Baby

Hy this is Jungkook.

He is on his phone I think, because he was typing right away.

To Jungkook

Okay. I will save your number.

To baby

What are you doing?

To Jungkook

I am working on my assignment. And you?

To baby

My friends had invited me to this club. I am waiting for them to arrive.

To Jungkook

Oh isn't that one of your favorite things to do? Okay enjoy.

Somewhat Jimins reply told me that he was a little bit upset about me going to clubbing. Maybe I am delusional.

To baby

Don't go. They have been behind me for two weeks. I haven't gone out with them for so long. They were upset. I am not the least bit interested in going today.

To Jungkook

Why are you telling me this?

Oh that hurts. Guess he doesn't care Jungkook.

To baby

Nothing. I am gonna go. I will pick you up from your house this Sunday. Wear something nice.

I put my phone inside my pocket after receiving an okay with a question mark from Jimin. I know he might be confused about the dress. Did he think I would bring him to an ordinary first date? It's my princess. He deserves everything special.

Jimins POV

I am so surprised about Jungkooks behavior today. He acted like a real gentleman today. Usually he would approach me with those dirty remarks and flirting. But today he was different. He took care of me like a boyfriend would do to his girlfriend. I have never been taken care of  like that. But jiminah you never had a boyfriend to begin with.

I agreed to go for that date genuinely. I wanted to give him a chance seeing him doing the efforts to impress me.

His friend Felix had told me that Jungkook had  completely stopped hanging around with them and drinking  alcohol. I think he was serious about pursuing me. I liked it. Nobody ever did any efforts to pursue me except for asking me out a bunch of times. Jungkook was different. He was showing me that he can be a better person.

I feel different around Jungkook. I become this blushing mess whenever he flirts with me.

Actually I liked bad boys. It's a little secret of mine.  someone like Jungkook with his broad figure, those dark tattoos and lip piercing. It makes me hot all over.

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