32.•••"I Do"•••

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Jungkook stood at the altar with the priest and his father on his side. His heart was beating abnormally while waiting here.

The small vintage church had only few guests scattered here and there. Hobi and his parents. Beomgyu and his mother and of course his dad and brother. And to support him, Felix and taemin stood there. Eliana with her baby bump is already here as a brides maid for Jimin.

Jungkook doesn't want a crowd to watch them and mock them. He knew especially how the younger would feel about everything. He doesn't want people to judge Jimin for his decision.

Before anyone telling that Taehyung left Jimin because the smaller did something wrong, Jungkook wanted the world to know that how wrong their assumptions were. He would make sure of that.

The huge wooden door carved with Greek design opened and in came Jimin with both his parents on each side. Eliana with a little flower basket followed behind Jimin like a fairy. Felix stood there with a hand on his heart, watching the love of his life walking down the aisle with their little blessing.

Jungkook wanted to sob like a child seeing the smaller looking so ethereal walking towards him. His chin trembled but he held it in not to get embarrassed infront of his guests. Because nobody knows that Jimin was his lost gem. And he was actually having his world in his arms today.
Jimin looked beautiful in the wedding gown he had selected with care. Just like he imagined Jimin was slaying it.

Jungkook took those delicate hands from Namjoon carefully. It felt so surreal. The dream he have been having for the past six years was coming into reality.

Jungkook had wished to hold the smaller infront of this very altar were they had put their promise ring on each other and vowed to marry one day a few years back. He thought it was not going to happen in this life time ever. But look at them now standing on the same altar going to get married.

The priest started the prayers. Jungkook felt the tremble in Jimins hands. He looked at the smaller who was looking down with pink tinted cheeks. His heart had a steady pace now but it had an erratic rhythm to it.

Jimin wanted to look at his soon be husband but he was too shy and doubtful to raise his head. So he looked at the carpet getting his hands clammy. He was already feeling funny inside his stomach.

Park Jimin, do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?

Jimin bit his lips. He was more than Sure what his answer would be.

"I do." He said in his melodious voice. This two words that Jungkook so much wanted to hear. His eyes brimmed with tears that he tried to blink away.

"Jeon Jungkook do you take Park Jimin to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?

" I do. " Jungkook didn't took one second of hesitation in answering that.
After exchanging their rings the priest continued.

In the name of God and the holy matrimony I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Jimin was nervous throughout the whole vows. But now he felt all sweaty. It would be their first kiss in years. It made Jimin overwhelmed.
Jungkook sensed the panic from Jimin and he held the smallers chin delicately raising his face towards him.

He gently kissed the corner of Jimins voluptuous lips that he so badly want to caress with his own. He held the urge for now but he may not be able to control it in the future.

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