40.•••Whipped Jeons•••

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"Mr. Kim, this is the fifth employee of the week to resign from the job." Taehyung rubbed his head due to this head ache. If it goes like this Kim's can say good bye to the corporate world.

"I won't sign any more resign letters for the next two years. Draft an email about it." He had a major lose of few of his investors for the upcoming project in china. One of them being the choi's. He had used Jimins shares this time to cover up the lose from his dad. Glad that Jimin left his bank account before filing divorce. Next time he may not be able to cover up with an excuse money.

"What is happening for them to leave?"

"Mr. Kim look at the announcement in the official page of Jeon corporate's."

Taehyung reluctantly clicked on the said page when his secretary suggested it. To his surprise there was an announcement which was a major blow on their face.

Jeons were taking new emboyees to their branches all over Korea with a vacancy number of 300. And the salary was an eye catcher too.

"I heard from my friend working for the Jeons that they got a raise in the salary this year and also they have brought up several schemes for the welfare of the employees." Taehyung shut his laptop in rage. Jungkook was doing this on purpose. No way Taehyung could do something like that when the family business is at stake. Millions of wealth was being transferred to Kim dahyun's account without any actual record. If his father decides they can save the company. But the man is a scrimp who won't even give a penny to a homeless. The charity events they organize is only for catching the public eyes. Half of the money goes to their lockers. But Taehyun can't interfere in Dahyuns affairs. It had been like this for years. The household of Kim's are filled with puppets that Dahyun control with his strings.

Mean while Yoongi was feeding Krystal in their garden. Krystal was trying to catch a butterfly in her tiny hands. The baby was walking with wobbly steps. Yoongi was walking behind the little toddler to assure that the baby doesnt fall.

Taehyungs cousin sisters were sitting a little away from were the mother and daughter was standing. By the looks of it they were really gossiping about the male.

The people who have been treating Jimin with nothing but insults were here talking about the very male. Stating that he was a better choice for Taehyung than a homeless Yoongi. They said the only thing yoongi had was his pretty face. Did Yoongi care about them? Never.

But things became real drama when one of them tried to hurt Krystal by telling she messed up their dress by holding it with her sticky hands. That was a breaking point for Yoongi's patience. He can tolerate anything but no one can hurt his daughter. Yoongi had held Miri's hands in a choke hold. He had warned her about the consequences of even thinking about hurting his daughter.
Taehyung for the first time defended Yoongi when Miri had complaint about hurting her. But when Yoongi said the reason the male had warned her to not repeat what she did today.
The little Krystal had really pointed her finger at miri stating that she gave her a boo on her hands. That is the childs language of telling someone had hurted her.

That wasn't the end of things that Yoongi had to endure here. He ate lunch last when all the members ate. He wasn't invited in events that included all the families. Nobody even cared his existence except for yeonjun and his husband.

Krystal got her grandma's love in the form of dolls and expensive gifts which the child doesn't even understand. But she had asked Yoongi to give her a grandson soon. Which Yoongi was not going to give her anytime soon. Krystal was small and besides he is not a vending machine to pop out whatever flavour they needed.

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