30.••• ~ 'n I Still Want You~•••

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"No Jimin. You are not doing this. Not when I am alive. Even if we have to live the rest of our lives on the streets, no way I am going to agree to this marriage. That too to a boy who have cheated on you in your college days."
Namjoon boomed inside their small house. Jin tried to calm his husband but he was not having it. Jimin standing there all broken is not something Namjoon wanted to witness in his life. It feels like he have failed in his life. The one thing he wanted to do was protect his wife and his only child. But what Jimin was going through was not something he wish up on his child. The moment he held Jimin in his arms for the first time twenty seven years back, he had promised he would love him and give him everything in his life. But not to see him suffer.

"Dad please understand. What you are telling is not practical. How will you manage with me and mom on the streets? Just imagine it then what it would be to live that life for real?"

" I will find a way. Do you think it's not easy to find a rent house?"

" And you want him to laugh at our gate dad? I can't bare to see one more victory of that man. I need to do this not out of obligation, but I think I want Jungkook in my life." Both the parents looked at their child astonished. Jimin was sincere in his words.

"Even though I was with Taehyung, not a day had left without thinking about jungkook, I brushed it aside due to Taehyungs kindness. Thought he was actually so understanding but i realised it was all a facade to hide his dirty little secret. Yes he cheated on me but I didn't gave him a chance to explain and that guilt still eats me. Blamed those constant thought of Jungkook on that guilt. But it's not that dad. I love him. I still love him The only person who can flutter my heart with just a look is Jungkook. May be I am a selfish bi*ch for telling this now when I got abandoned by my husband. But even when I was married to my husband I despised the idea of Jungkook getting married. I dreaded that day. And if it happens for real, this Park Jimin won't able to live after that. I don't know why I am Like this. May be for Jungkook it would be his revenge against Taehyung.  But I don't care anymore." With that Jimin broke down into a sob kneeling on the floor. The site ached both the parents. Jin pulled Jimin from the floor and hugged him hard.

"You are not selfish baby. I am your mother. I have seen your eyes losing your shine for two years now but I thought it was because of the baby issue. Now I know." Jin kissed Jimins side of the head patting him to calm him down.

" I can't see my only son get hurt like this. Dad can't watch that anymore Jiminie. Are you that sure about this?" Jimin only gave a nod without taking out his face from his mother's neck. 
Jin looked at his husband and reassured him through his eyes. Namjoon was still not okay with this. If only he wasn't poor he would have made that Taehyung pay for everything he have done to Jimin now. As a father he felt helpless watching his son get humiliated in that way infront of a whole family who stood there and watched it.

Jimin spend the next week without shedding any tears but his chest still felt heavy thinking about jungkook. He was asked to marry only in exchange of his house. No surprises, no flowers only this irritating silence. At the same time he deserved it. At least Jungkook should have given an opportunity to explain. But he loved Jungkook more than anything and he couldn't fathom the thought that he spend a night with some girl which is not him.

Jimin felt the frustration eating him. That's why he was here waiting for Eliana to show up. And the latter came through the door of their favorite cafe holding her now obvious baby bump.

Jimin gave a small smile to her which was returned more cheerfully. She took a seat and soon grabbed the menu ordering her favorites.

"Hey no need to order for me." Jimin refused politely after watching her ordering a little too much.

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