33.•••Two Idiots In Love•••

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"Why are you here Jungkook? I said we can discuss it tomorrow. Man it's your dream come true time and you are here? "

"I can't sit at home. Jimin doesn't like me anyways. So I want to do the things which would make him happy. Right now it's the Kim's. I didn't do anything until now only because my Jimin was involved with them. Now I don't have to worry about that." Taemin sat on his swivel chair thinking. Like Jungkook he also want the Kim's down.

Jungkook and taemin became friends when he joined in a college in London. Taemin knows everything about him. That includes Jimin too. He was the one who helped Jungkook to find Taehyungs little secret.  And in the future they became good business partners.

"Okay so we are proceeding with baby steps right?"

" Yes. " Jungkook said with a smirk.

"And the first step?" Taemin had an equal smirk on his face.

"That would be withdrawing my millions. Two can play the game. He thought I was still caught up with the best friend card. Not anymore. Now he will understand how it's to lose everything. "

"Yes. Very... but where is that idiot Felix? After Eliana got pregnant I have never seen that idiot in my office." Felix worked for Taemin. They both had Jungkooks back when he went through hell and back.

"You won't understand that unless you marry someone Taemin."

"Says the one sitting infront of me who have been married for like what 6 hours?"

"I have loved him for six years Taemin."

" Okay.. I am not arguing.. but why did you skip your therapy this week." Taemin was worried for Jungkook as always. He was the one along with Felix brought Jungkook to the therapist.

"Do you think I would want therapy when I have him now? Jimin was the only thing that kept me sane Taemin and it haven't changed one bit. I would be okay as long as he is with me." With that Jungkook stood up from his chair ready to go.

"Anyways I have a beauty to tame at home. So see ya." Taemin chuckled at his friend. He missed this Jungkook.

It was going to be ten at night.  Jimin haven't slept. He was walking back and forth inside their bedroom. He had barely swallowed the dinner while Helen was looking at him.

When the door to their bedroom opened Jimin flinched. He knew who would that be. Jungkook have finally came back. But he pretended that he didn't care.

Jungkook frowned at the sight of Jimin laying on their couch instead of the bed. He was angry. It was not what he wanted from their marriage. To be living like two strangers inside the confinement of their bedroom.

"Jimin why are you lying on the couch? I know you are not sleeping, so don't pretend."
Jimin sat up on the couch in fury.

" Why is it any of your concern that were I sleep? It's not like we have a proper marriage to think that it's all merry here." Jimin rolled his eyes and Jungkook was not having it.

" Get up." It was one word but it brought shivers down Jimins spine. But with a shuddering breath Jimin sat there without moving an inch."

" Get up Jimin." Jungkook said it again in a low deep voice making Jimin extremely shaky.

"Why would I listen to you? We are not proper husband and wife Jungkook. You have no right to order me." Even though Jimin was looking like a little lamp he managed to get out those words without any stutter. It just came out at the heat of moment. He didn't meant any of that. He was just damn pissed about jungkook not giving him attention. Now him acting like an asshole was not helping at all.
Jungkook had enough that he pulled Jimin from his sitting position. With the impact Jimin landed on Jungkooks chest with a gasp. The proximity still was something that made them lose their mind. The tension in the air was thick.

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