49.•••Jeon Jungkook Can Kill For His Baby•••

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Jimin back hugged Jungkook who was unbuttoning his dress shirt. Jimin was still wearing his silver gown.
Jungkook stopped what he was doing when Jimins soft hands crawled up on his hard chest. He held the small hands instead.

"You were upset after dad announced his relationship with hobi uncle. Do you not like them being together? Or do you not like the fact that hobi uncle is replacing your mother?"

" No I don't have anything against their relationship. But there is something else."Jungkook turned around in Jimins hold. He circled his arms around Jimins waist and held him close. The smaller encircled Jungkooks neck.

" And that is...?"

"I have promised something to my mother on her death bed. It was her last wish."

"what was her wish?"

"she was getting better that week that's when she collapsed suddenly.
We rushed her to the hospital. That night she told me one thing. It was actually meant for dad but he was late. She said to reconcile hobi uncle to his love. To tell him that she was sorry for everything. She was going to tell something else but before that-" Jungkook stopped there, he can't complete that sentence without hurting. She was his mother and it always would be a sensitive topic for him.

Jimin brought Jungkook towards his chest. The older hugged him close.

"She said bring him to his love. Who knows, that love can be you father too. As long as he finds happiness in him, we can't say otherwise."

" Yes thats right. As long as he is happy, that's what matters." Jungkook suddenly picked Jimin up earning a squeal from the smaller.

" Forget that. Let me enjoy my mochi tonight." Jimin giggled when Jungkook started nosing at his neck.

Yoongi noticed his husband closely. The older was cheery unlike the fire lighting inside the company.

Today morning Taehyung got up with a smile unlike the scowl he had the other days. Yoongi was surprised himself when he was picked up and smooched all over followed by a shower where his husband took good care of him after their last night.

He had gently dabbed Yoongi's body in moisturizer and dried his hair with a towel. The smaller sat there without uttering a word with how much confused he was.

Now the older was playing with Krystal on their bed. The girl was giggling at the raspberries blown on her tummy by her father.

"Who is dadda's princess?" Taehyung asked the same question on repeat.

"Kissy... Kissy... Kissy..." The little girl jumped on the bed squealing at her father.

Taehyung  was reluctant to go to office this morning. Didn't wanted to leave Yoongi ever since his father telling him to get rid of him.

He had done many things in the past to get what he wants. He had ruined lives. He had even gave pain to Yoongi at the time when the smaller needed him the most.

He left him when he was carrying Krystal. How cruel he could be? All of this for what? At the end of the day he didn't gain anything.

But if one thing remained constant in his life, that would be his Yoongi.

He looked at the smaller who was looking at him from a distance with an adoring smile on his face.

Yoongi was only 24 nearly five years younger than him. How could he do this to such a sweet heart.

He signaled Yoongi to join him. The smaller did while being extra shy all of a sudden under the piercing gaze of his husband.

Yoongi joined them on the bed with their baby girl on the middle. She was smiling her boxy smile with her little hands in the air.

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