3.•••I Am Okay The Way I Am Now•••

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"So.. if we are going to construct this project, it is best if we will do it a little over 400 meters from spring lake. So that it would be accessible for tribes to their water source ."

" No it's not practical." Jungkook said from his chair. Jimin was actually doing his presentation. They were having a partnership over this project. They were going to built houses for the tribes in kureschian forest area. They got the approval from the government. As they have done plenty of charity works. Especially Jungkook. They were planning to build houses that is nature friendly with the raw materials from the nature itself. Jimin and Taehyung were not willing to be partnered up with Jeon Jungkook, but they had to take this decision because it's best for their company. More share holders are willing to invest in them for their charity works and recognition.

Now that Jungkook interrupted his presentation. Jimin clenched his fist unknowingly and gritted his teeth.

"What do you mean by it's not practical?" Jimin still with his teeth clenched asked Jungkook with a raised brow. Jungkook stood up from his chair. He internally chuckled seeing Jimins tiny rolled up fist and angry red face.

"As we are building it near the river. The benefits are that they have easy accessibility for the lake. As we are planning an innovative construction, a more civilised one. Why don't we make it in all the ways? Why would they need to go to the lake when we can provide them water at their household. I am thinking of making a common water tank for the people and they will get water from their own pipes for house hold purpose and also for irrigation purposes. As the lake is wholesome, it is still dangerous during rainy season. Children would be placed in more danger through that. So we have to build houses a little more west from there where there is more vegetative soil."

Now that the others were thinking Jungkook had a point. Jimin was really mad for the fact that this fu**er was right. Why didn't Taehyung think about it first?

Jungkook looked at both of them with a smirk especially directed towards Taehyung. Now that Jimin was thinking. He can't imagine meeting Jungkook so often now that they are working for the same project.

Jungkook walked outside with his assistant Beomgyu running behind his back with his suit coat and laptop.

Jimin scoffed looking at the arrogant way Jungkook walked off.

Jimin hated this. Every time after their meetings they had to eat lunch together with other corporates including the smug face of Jungkook.

Jungkook never let them win any of the business awards . Taehyung is still trying hard to beat them.

Jungkook's assistant Beomgyu was eating with them in an awkward way. He had to accompany this big corporates during a lunch only because of Jungkook. Jungkook brings him every where he was going.

The poor thing couldn't complain but go with him.

"Ok me and Jimin want to invite everyone of you to a special occasion that we are planning." Jungkook stopped eating and looked at them waiting for Taehyung to continue.

" I will tell." Jimin insisted looking at Jungkook and everyone present. "We are arranging a party for our 3rd anniversary next week. So we personally invite everyone of you." Jimin said with his crinkling eyes and full lip smile. Beomgyu was thrilled. Another party. He will surely have to follow his boss. Great food and beautiful corporates kids. He won't miss such events.

"Jungkook shhi you should definitely come as we are doing this big project together."

"Of course wouldn't miss it for anything." Jungkook said with a firm node facing Taehyung and took a big sip of his water. The water ride down his throat bobbing his Adams apple unconsciously grabbing the attention of Jimin himself. Jimin blinked his eyes and mentally slapped for ogling someone other than his husband. He was thankful that Jungkook was immenced in drinking that he didn't notice the way Jimins eyes traveled the line of his neck.

"We heard Jungkook is starting a new project for the underprivileged kids and homeless. It's so nice of you Jungkook for always taking in consideration about the vulnerables." Rebecca one of their share holders pointed out bringing several others attention to the matter.

"Mr. Jeon. I can tell why you are the youngest enterpreneur to snatch the first place Everytime." Taehyung gave a fake node hearing that. He was bitter about the laters success.

"It's not one of my projects. It's rather my hobby. It's my mother's dream. Now it's mine." Jimin was amused about finding a positive in Jungkook after a long time.

"Why are you still not married? you are almost 28 years old? I m just curious so don't get offended." Rebecca said with a chuckle to mask her curiosity. Jimin scoffed, he knows women like her. She have been trying to throw herself on Jungkook the very first day onwards. And he is wondering, depending on the personality of Jungkook it's too late that he didn't already took her to bed.

Jungkook gulped by the sudden question. He looked at everyone finding the appropriate answer for this question. But he have to be genuine. He doesn't want to rise anyone's hope.

"I am not planning to marry anytime soon, not anytime, not in this life. " Beomgyu stopped eating, his ears perked up with the new found information. He had an idea his boss was still mopping around for someone but never thought he wouldn't move on from that person.

"Oh that is a strong decision. Everyone would dream about a family after being alone for a long time."

" I don't need one. I am okay the way I am now." Jungkook said sternly indirectly insinuating to stop the conversation.

Jimin didn't mind it. Even though Jungkook doesn't want to marry. He have heard from his husband that Jungkook takes a chick thrice a week to satisfy his needs, so why bother to marry. Thats what disgusts Jimin about Jungkook. He can't even imagine his Tae being like that.

Jimin throw the Blazer on the couch with anger. Now he started taking of his heels with the same fury. Taehyung chuckled looking at jimin.

"Babe stop being so aggressive. It's alright. Your presentation was amazing- "

" -Until that f**ker tried to ruin it. " Jimin said now taking of his shirt off. Taehyungs eyes traveled down his wife's body.

"Look too much anger equals to too much energy. Why don't we use it for something else. " Taehyung said in a quiet whisper against Jimins lips.

"Why don't you give me some peace tae. I am not in the mood."Jimin said genuinely. It's actually not because of Jungkook. It's because of this morning. Taehyung doesn't have to know about that. Taehyung looked at Jimins figure walking towards the closet with a bitter feeling. Jimin have never rejected him like this.

Jungkook was in his night attire. With an exhausted sigh he sat down on his couch with a whiskey glass in his hands. He took a sip of his beverage with a sigh. It burned his throat in a smooth way. He don't drink much, but occasionally a glass or two. Like these days when he felt too low.

He wiped a lone tear from his face and sniffled angrily. He felt so lonely sometimes. It reminded him of how he lost something special to him.

Jungkook let his head fall back. He remembered the first time he saw him, the first time he smiled at him, the day he lost him. He run a hand through his hair in frustration. But he soon calmed down when he saw the picture frame on his bed side table. The person's smile brought his heart calm with a smooth rush of blood. That someone's smile was his way to live on.


To be continued...


So how is it so far.. I am sorry if it didn't meet with your expectations for the new book. But give it a try. Please vote and support.❤️

And the name of the mountain I named it lol. I don't know if there is a real mountain with that name.😅

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