9.•••A Moment With Each Other•••

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"You have one of the most expensive car's but so pathetic that it broke down in the middle of a forest. " Jimin was ranting throughout their journey back and Jungkook was fed up with this. He have been patient throughout the whole way.

"Give me back my blazer coat and walk back. Call your hubby to bring his car and go back to your Kim's mansion which grows a lot more venomous snakes than this forest. How does that sound?"

Jimin was hot from his tip to toe due to anger but he agreed the last sentence Jungkook had said. He threw the Blazer at Jungkooks face and started walking turning around the opposite direction without even knowing where to go.

Jungkook didn't know that Jimin would take his words seriously. He just wanted Jimin to stop his rant. He already felt anger rise in him when he found out the condition about his car.

Jungkook took fast steps towards Jimin. He can't imagine the thought of some wolves actually eating Jimin alive. Worst, jimin looked like a full coarse meal in Jungkooks eyes. if any perverts encounter that beauty they would definitely go for a taste. Jungkooks fist unconsciously clenched even at the thought of that.

"Jimin. Jimin!! Stop walking. You don't even know the way." Jungkook held Jimins elbow and turned the angry chick towards him. Their chests were touching each other.

Jungkook looked at Jimins red eyes and he bit his inner cheeks not to laugh at the other one. Who was angrily pouting at him.

"I am sorry. Don't be upset. Come, we should get back to them soon. This way is not that safe." Jungkook looked at the pretty pearls looking back at him. He wiped those mallowy cheeks with his hands unconsciously but Jimin flinched away.

Jungkook was too much focused on Jimin that he forgot he was off limits. He stood back letting Jimins hands go and again wrapped him up in his Blazer coat.

To tell the villagers were surprised would be an understatement. They were shocked to see the duo coming back to their village only a few minutes after their departure.

Jungkook explained about their situation and they were more than glad to help them. They were given a space to spend the night.

Jungkook opted to sleep outside on a wooden table and Jimin with the elders daughter.

The cleanliness freak Jungkook was not so happy about spending a night there.

Jimin on the other hand felt an unknown feeling rising in him when he saw that they were separated for the night. He didn't know why he was feeling all these emotions when he was with only Jungkook. He should not.

"Do you need clothes to change? I can ask them. They would have something for you." Jimin clutched at the blazer which wafted of a manly cent mixed with Jungkooks natural cent. He shook his head looking at Jungkook with a pout.

"Okay. Keep that blazer with you. It's alright we can buy some clothes in the morning on our way back." That was what Jungkook said before calling it a night. And Jimin haven't slept a wink after today's events.

One he was frustrated with the feeling Jungkook evoked in him. There was this pull towards a man that wasn't his husband. Jimin felt his eyes watering due to that confusion. He shouldn't feel that. He was married.

Two. He can't sleep in this mattress. His skin was sensitive to anything that is a little bit rough than normal things. And this mattress felt like he was lying on a gravel spread. Sleep was far away now. So he stood up from the lying position and walked towards the front door still clutching Jungkooks blazer close to him. He felt protected in it's warmth.

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