12.•••The lost love•••

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Double update kiddo's... But read the previous one first alright?

And the suspense is about to break😈.

Jungkook opened his study room which was one among the off limit places of his mansion. It was a room painted in a soft purple and white completely opposite to his personality. Actually this room doesn't look like a study room. It looked like a leisure room with the many paintings on the walls. An incomplete canvas in the middle.

Jungkook comes in this room occasionally. He sits here and paint when he have free times which is rather scarce. He works like a maniac forgetting about the outside world.

This room had many pictures that he painted. A book shelf, A fluffy bed and a floor to ceiling window which had a bright view of the Moon and the stars.

He sat on the bed with a thud after removing his coat and threw it somewhere else. He opened a few buttons of his dress shirt. His eyes looked blood shot.

Jungkooks POV

I gulped down the whiskey leaving behind the half melted icecubes in the glass. This is a day to forget but no matter what, it is reminded as painful as ever. Will it be over anytime soon? No it won't I know it. As long I exist it would be itching inside me like a fresh wound that is scraped on again and again.

I took the picture frame in my hand and admired his lips that was stretched into a beautiful smile. It would bring a smile on my face and at the same time pain. Never ending pain. My Minnie. My Jimin.

He would have been mine, my entire world. But I let him slip away. My stupid self let him go

I have loved him for the past six years and still loves him like no one can.

He was the sassy bright junior I saw almost 6 years back. A player loving an innocent soul. People laughed about it but I knew just having a look at him, he have captured my whole heart in those tiny palms.

Six years ago...

(Ready for flashback byabies?)

It was the beginning of another year of college for the best friend duo.

The aftermaths of a party being visible inside the luxurious apartment that stood at the heart of Seoul close to Seoul University.

Plastic cups and beer bottles littered up the apartment with the floor having somewhat a greasy appearance by the number of people stomped on it yesterday night.

Taehyung was the first one to open his eyes to witness an almost dumpster looking apartment which was partly his. Partly occupied by his best friend.

He almost groaned at the sight. None of their selfish friends stood here to clean up this mess.

With a tooth brush coated with toothpaste inside his mouth Taehyung started picking up the trash. Looking at the wall clock he can tell that they were going to miss yet another first day of their academic year. Did the cared? No. They don't give such things important's when both are from prestigious families in Seoul. Seoul University gets hefty amounts of fund from both Kim's and Jeons every year almost making a competition about who would donate more.

Taehyung was about to pic the beer bottles scattered on his precious couch when the bedroom door opened revealing a half naked woman walking out clad in his best friends T shirt. She swayed towards him with her puffy face that was smudged with her make up, the result of a wild night he can say. But it made her all the more uglier. She gave him a sickening smile for which he internally rolled his eyes.

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