Chapter 5: Puppy Love!?

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He finds it hilarious. "You are so afraid?"

Sang Zhi just pursues her lips and says nothing.

Duan Jia Xu: "Don't cry again. Ge Ge will take your place to get a scolding."

Sang Zhi looks at him.

Duan Jia Xu strokes her hair and asks. "Now where are we going? Should we go to the classroom or the teachers' room?"

Sang Zhi doesn't answer his question and just criticizes him. "How could you come this late."

Duan Jia Xu's tip of the eyebrow is lifted up. He says patiently: "What time should I come?"

Sang Zhi says stiffly. "The classes are over around 04:20 p.m."

"That early? Ge Ge doesn't know about it. Ge Ge apologizes to you okay?" Duan Jia Xu says softly and gently like he is teasing a little pet. "Ge Ge admits my wrong to you."

Because of his coming, Sang Zhi's mood turns better. She asks. "No need."

It's been a long time since the classes are over.

She is afraid the teacher has waited for a long time, Sang Zhi doesn't make trouble and just says: "Let's go."

"Where will we go?"

"To the teachers' room."

They go to the first floor and takes the left turn. They arrive at the teachers' room.

Sang Zhi considers for a while and says to him: "I'm quite experienced with this. Later on, the teacher will keep on lodge a complaint against me. You just chime in with him."

Duan Jia Xu just says "em."

For Sang Zhi, this is the most serious thing that she has ever done.

She cooperates with someone to deceive the teacher.

Sang Zhi is serious. "Also Ge Ge, you try your best to talk less. If we are exposed and caught, both of us will be over."

Duan Jia Xu licks her lips. "Why it sounds so scary ah."

Sang Zhi is very nervous, but she makes an empty show of strength. She looks at him: "Toughen up."

"Okay." Duan Jia Xu smiles. "I'll be very brave."

This time, there are only two teachers left.

One is Chen Ming Xu, the other one is a grade-six teacher.

Sang Zhi comes over: "Lao Shi."

Chen Ming Xu looks over. "He is here?"

Sang Zhi lowers her head and says. "Em, my Ge Ge is the one coming."

Duan Jia Xu stands beside her, he is calm and not lacking in confident. "Lao Shi, Nin Hao (Hi). I am Sang Yan (Duan Jia Xu pretending) , Sang Zhi's Ge Ge."

At first Sang Zhi thought that Duan Jia Xu will be afraid that he cannot speak out. But the time she hears him starts talking, she is calm and confident that he can do it.

She watches him.

Chen Ming Xu stands up and says: "I am Sang Zhi's homeroom teacher. I am Chen. Sorry to trouble you to come over. Please have a seat first."

The other teacher jokes: "How many times have it been ah."

Chen Ming Xu says unhappily: "You also do it right?"

This time she notices there's another person in the room. Fu Zheng Chu is standing behind the teacher. He is quiet like an invisible person.

Fu Zheng Chu starts to move. He stands two-meter away from Sang Zhi and in front of Zhang Lao Shi (Teacher Zhang).

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