Chapter 20: Scam Restaurant

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Sang Zhi looks at him for a while and then feels sullen. Then she finally speaks up: "No wonder that your shop has no business."

Duan Jia Xu: "Em?"

Sang Zhi pushes the money toward his front and she clearly doesn't want to give more dollar. She turns serious and says: "This is a scam."

Duan Jia Xu finds her to be so hilarious. "I just ask for a dollar and you are saying that I am scamming you?"

Sang Zhi straightens her face. "I didn't peek at you."

"Okay." Duan Jia Xu takes all the money. "It's Ge Ge's nonsense."

Sang Zhi looks at him for a while and says nothing. She wants to return to her seat.

But Duan Jia Xu calls her again. "Wait for a while."

Sang Zhi looks at him. "What is it?"

Duan Jia Xu: "Come here."

Sang Zhi is confused, she doesn't want to come over. But he just stands quietly and looks a ther.

Then Sang Zhi comes over and asks again: "What is it?"

"How could Ge Ge accept your money?" Duan Jia Xu looks at her and holds her hand. He places all the money back on her hand. "Leave those for you to buy candy to eat."

Sang Zhi is startled for a while.

Then he just starts to prepare the dessert.

Sang Zhi just puts all the money back to her pocket.

Why he always acts this way. He always wants to let her buy candy.


The time she returns to her table, Yan Zhen Ru shifts closer to her and whispers: "Sang Zhi, your Ge Ge's friend is treating both of us?"

Sang Zhi nods: "Yes."

"Hehe... it's great." Yan Zhen Ru is very happy. "I spent a lot of money to buy that present."

Yan Zhen Ru then starts to talk about other thing: "Oh right, before Fu Zheng Chu is asking me where are we through QQ apps, so I tell him our location."


"He should be here now, he said that he will look for us first. Liu Wei Qi is here too."

Sang Zhi: "Then why don't they get a room first?"

Yan Zhen Ru: "Now it's just 12:00 a.m. That KTV just opens in the afternoon 01:00 p.m. They already reserved it through the phone. So they will come here first then we will go to have lunch."

"Who will come too?"

"It seems several other people from their class." Yan Zhen Ru says. "But most of them will come directly to the KTV."

Just in time, Duan Jia Xu is placing two bowls of dessert for them on the table. He could hear their chat. He raises his eyebrow and asks: "You guys are going to sing in the KTV?"

Yan Zhen Ru immediately shuts up.

Sang Zhi just nods.

Duan Jia Xu also says nothing, he just reminds her: "You should go according to rule. You should go home before the sky turns dark. Don't go home too late."

He sounds like Sang Yan but actually Sang Yan never cares about her.

Sang Zhi: "Oh."

The time he is gone, Yan Zhen Ru moves closer to her again. "Why are your Ge Ge's friend talk like my Pa. He said the same thing before I went out today."

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