Chapter 37: Don't Date

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"Let's look." He laughs."

Sang Zhi suddenly remembers what he said before that after graduation, he will go home and work on his area. She connects everything he said. She feels a big rock is pressing down her heart.

In the silence.

Sang Zhi has a selfish thought.

At her age, supposedly everything that she says, he will think it to be "children's words carry no harm". He might laugh it off. She wants to wait till she is a grown-up.

Sang Zhi licks her lips and is bold. She asks. "Ge Ge, could you not date?"

Duan Jia Xu stops and looks at her like he is hearing it wrongly.


"Don't date." Sang Zhi shows no expression. "You should study well."

Duan Jia Xu looks at her for a while and feels what she said sounds absurd. He just laughs. "Xiao Hai, explain to me. Why you are asking me to not date?"

Sang Zhi is quiet.

She doesn't dare to look at Duan Jia Xu. She is nervous. She is rather slow in responding. Then the screen shows "GAME OVER".

The room is peaceful, there's only a back-sound game, which sounds happy.

The atmosphere is strange.

Sang Zhi watches Duan Jia Xu. Duan Jia Xu is still holding his console.

She feels she shouldn't mention about this.

Sang Zhi's mind goes blank. She starts to stuff the watermelon inside her mouth. In this season, the watermelon isn't sweet. It's juicy but tasteless. It's not very delicious. She slowly chews it and feels it's a bit tough to swallow. She then says: "I also said those words to my Ge Ge."

Duan Jia Xu stops.

"My friends' Ge Ge also has girlfriends." Sang Zhi puts back the fork on the plate. She is calm. "But the girlfriend isn't treating my friend well. So Ge Ge, don't have a girlfriend."

Duan Jia Xu looks at her and says: "Why isn't she treating your friend well?"

Sang Zhi explains. "It seems that her Ge Ge is good toward her, so she is unhappy."


"Yes." San Zhi starts to find a reason. She explains dully. "If you have a girlfriend, you couldn't treat me well again."

"Xiao Hai, why are you thinking so far ahead?" Duan Jia Xu says. "Maybe several years after not meeting Ge Ge, you will forget Ge Ge cleanly."

Sang Zhi says nothing.

Duan Jia Xu puts back the console on the table. "Ge Ge that time will find the gentler one."


"The one that will treat Xiao Sang Zhi well too." Duan Jia Xu smiles gently and says: "Okay? Find one that will treat you well."

Sang Zhi looks at the watermelon on the plate and nods. "Okay."

After a while, she adds forcefully. "That time you should give me a look fiirst."


Indeed Sang Yan returns not long after he left less than thirty minutes.

Looking at this, Sang Zhi doesn't stay inside his bedroom anymore, she finds a reason to go back to her bedroom.

The time Sang Zhi comes out again, Sang Yan takes off his coat and asks. "What time does your part-time job start?"

"Almost." Duan Jia Xu says: "Where were you going?"

"I have a friend nearby." Sang Yan lays down on the bed and looks at his phone. "Eating out but forget about the money. So I went there to help to pay."

Duan Jia Xu: "Em."

He starts to tidy up his things. "Then I'll leave first."


He stands up and suddenly thinks of a matter. He asks: "Sang Yan, let me ask you about something."

Sang Yan: "Ask me."

"Your Mei–" Duan Jia Xu stops for a while to think.

"What happened to my Mei?" Sang Yan is not patient man. "Just ask, don't dillydally."

Duan Jia Xu just finishes his words. "Have your Mei ever mention about don't date anyone?"

"Ah?" Sang Yan thinks about it. "She has."


"During my first year of senior high school, My Pa Ma though that I dated early." Sang Yan scratches his head. "That time she was just eight years old she cried so hard."

Duan Jia Xu asks: "What about Now?"

"Now?" Sang Yan laugsh coldly: "She basically doesn't think that I could find a girlfriend."


"Why are you asking me this?"

"Nothing." Duan Jia Xu smiles: "I'm just asking randomly."


Sang Zhi hears Duan Jia Xu leaves after several minutes inside the bedroom.

She looks at the ceiling and suddenly closes her window. She takes the doll that Duan Jia Xu gave to her and holds it. She just lays down here.

She thinks about what happened.

She feels that she is too emotional and impulsive.

Is he noticing her feeling?

So what if he notices?

Would he think that she is a strange one, she is just a young girl.

Would he scold her? Would he change his attitude toward her?

Would he start to become estranged with her? Then he would not treat her well like before.

It's not a good thing.

Sang Zhi suddenly sits up and takes out her phone. She opens up Duan Jia Xu's contact number. She wants to explain herself but she thinks the more she talks, it only makes matters worse.

She starts to be worried.

Sang Zhi doesn't know what should she do.

She only knows.

That this secret cannot be discovered by anyone.


The next night 10:00 p.m.

After a day of working, Duan Jia Xu takes out his key to open the dorm's door. He wants to take his clothes and goes to the laundry room. He suddenly gets a call from Sang Yan.


Sang Yan says: "Duan Jia Xu, tomorrow you don't need to come, just come a day after tomorrow."

"...." Duan Jia Xu is surprised. "Why?"

It's a silence for several seconds, Sang Yan clicks his tongue, he seems a bit speechless. "That Xiao Gui has a puppy love. She says that she wants to find her boyfriend. Now she is scolded by Pa Ma."

Duan Jia Xu thinks that he hears wrongly, Duan Jia Xu chokes. "What?!"

To be Continued

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