Chapter 45: 1st Heart Break ?

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Sang Zhi suddenly remembers last year when he was in his house and smoking. That time he looked lonely and in despair.

Now he has someone beside him.

She knows she shouldn't be that selfish.

He is a good man.

He should be worthy to have someone to be his companion.

Why should he wait for her.

In two years, he also will be twenty five years old. If he meets the right person, he would consider to marry. He shouldn't be alone for lots of years. That way he wouldn't be happy.

Looking at her current situation, Duan Jia Xu doesn't know how to comfort her. He just strokes her head and says: "Wait till our Xiao Sang Zhi is a grown up, you definitely will meet a much better person."

It's a several seconds of silence.

Sang Zhi takes out a box and pursues her lips.

On top of the box, it is written "Ge Ge". Sang Zhi lowers her head and says "Jia Xu Ge."


"I have prepared a birthday present to you." Sang Zhi says. "I also bring it for you."

Duan Jia Xu is startled. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry to trouble you. In the future, I will not do this again." Sang Zhi's tears are still pouring down. She couldn't help but to shiver "...... I want to wait here for my Ge Ge to come."

Silent crush, it supposedly to be the sweetest in the world but also the most painful thing.

Sang Zhi remembers that she had written her two dreams when she was in Grade 11.

She is working hard to achieve it.

But then she realizes.

It turns out it is possible for dream to be unfulfilled.

In her first experience of falling in love, she realizes a treasure.

But the most regretful thing is she couldn't be with that treasure.

The airport is big and full of bright lights.

A lot of people are there. Various sounds and noises have covered her sobs. She feels that she is so miserable. She wants to find a hole to bury herself. She wants to stop her tears and pretends like nothing is going on.

She doesn't expect this.

That woman is so beautiful and her words are gentle. She is an excellent woman. She should be a helpful one for his life and feeling. She is not like her, that always headstrong and rebellious. She always be his burden and brings troubles for him.

Since the beginning, she is just a particular surplus in his life.

She has no use.

He needs extra energy to take care of her even during his busy day.

Looking at how Sang Zhi tries hard to control her tears, Duan Jia Xu remembers the day he met her.

That time she was behaving unscrupulously and crying loudly. She had no worries. Her biggest trouble is his teacher's request to call for her family members.

Is it really because she is growing up?

Or perhaps his words are too harsh.

Duan Jia Xu pursues his lips, he doesn't bring any tissue so he uses his coat to wipe her tears. "Don't cry. Ge Ge doesn't feel it is troublesome."


"It is cold here, wear the coat well."

Sang Zhi just follows his words.

"It's good that you could figure things out. It's good that you know your mistake." Duan Jia Xu says slowly. "Everyone is not angry with you, we are just worried that you will have a problem. So we are really worried. Okay?"

Sang Zhi lowers her head and chokes with sobs. "I know."

"Stand up, go wash your face." Duan Jia Xu looks at his phone. He looks like he is unwell. He coughs and continues: "Ge Ge will take you to have lunch first."

Sang Zhi shakes her head lightly: "I am not hungry."

"What you mean you are not hungry?" Duan Jia Xu stands up and says faintly: "For a man, you plan to go on hunger strike?"


"Xiao Hai." Duan Jia Xu points at the toilet symbol. "The toilet is there, could you see it?"

Sang Zhi pauses for few seconds and nods.

"Go by yourself and wash your face." Duan Jia Xu thinks about something. "Give me your identity card. Ge Ge will help you to ask for a ticket. Later on I'll find you again. Don't run anywhere else."

Looking at this, the woman beside him says: "Let me take her there."

Sang Zhi takes out her identity card from her bag and gives to him. She stands up and looks at that woman.

In a second, Duan Jia Xu says: "No need."

Sang Zhi just goes to the toilet by herself. After few steps, she suddenly stops and looks back at them.

Sang Zhi watches those two people are standing there.

That woman is wearing a black dress, she has a great body. She is quite a tall woman, she probably a meter and seventy centimeter. She is wearing a high heels too. She is shorter a head by Duan Jia Xu. She is saying something to him. She smiles and pats on his arm.

Then Sang Zhi sees Duan Jia Xu also smiles to her.

She straightens her lips and looks forward again.

She gets into the toilet and sees herself on the mirror. Her eyes are red and swollen. Her nose are red. She has tear marks on her face. She lowers her head and washes her face repeatedly.

The cold water once more stimulates her tears.

She couldn't clean her tears.

Beside her there's an old Nai Nai (Old grandma) noticing her. "Xiao Gu Niang (Little lady), are you okay?"

Sang Zhi takes tissue and says. "The water is so cold."

Her tears start to fall down again. "How could it be so cold...."

"Then don't wash your face again wth it." The old Nai Nai doesn't think that it is a strange reason. She sighs and takes out a warm pack for her. "These two days are cold, you should remember to wear thicker cold."

Sang Zhi doesn't take it and just sobs. "No need, thank you Nai Nai."

The Old Nai Nai says nothing else. She just leaves.

After a while, Sang Zhi forces to calm herself. She notices the coat on her body. She takes it off and holds it.

Duan Jia Xu has waited for her outside.

This time it's only him. The woman is gone.

Sang Zhi approaches him.

Duan Jia Xu frowns when he notices his coat is on her hold. "Why are you taking this off?"

"I washed my face and was afraid that I'll make this dirty." Sang Zhi makes a lie. "I also don't feel cold."

She looks at Duan Jia Xu. "You just wear it."

Duan Jia Xu just watches her for awhile, he sighs. "Is Ge Ge too harsh before?"

Sang Zhi shakes her head. "No."

"Do all the little kids have bad memory?" Duan Jia Xu drapes the coat on her once again. "It's just a year has passed. How could you treat me like a stranger?"


He says slowly: "You make Ge Ge feels heartbroken."

Sang Zhi doesn't know what should she say, she just changes the subject. "Is there any ticket?"

To be Continued

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