Chapter 99: Novel 81

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Qian Fei is always a fatty guy. After the marriage because of the overflowing love, he is gaining much more fat in quick pace. Qian Fei takes a deep breath and points at his pointy finger at him and puts it down.

He feels that he should bear this.

He is successful to restrain his anger for less than three seconds, and once again he raises his finger again and points at Sang Yan. He howls: "D*mm*t, why could you know my weight for sure?!"

"It's true?" Sang Yan says coldly: "I'm purposely makes an underestimated guess?"

Qian Fei couldn't accept this humiliation, he looks at Duan Jia Xu: "Lao Xu, do I look that fat?"

Duan Jia Xu: "No."

His word somehow comforts Qian Fei's feeling.

His anger starts to go down for a while, yet he still says something angrily to Sang Yan: "Starting today, you don't need to communicate with me anymore. If not, for the every time I meet you, I would hit you once. Go away!"

It's a three second silence.

Duan Jia Xu laughs and adds; "I thought you are 100 kg. If you are just 93 kg, I think it's okay."

Qian Fei: "........"

In a flash, Qian Fei feels so tragic, he looks at Duan Jia Xu like Duan Jia Xu is unfaithful lover. "Why are you following him to attack me, in the past you clearly loved me the most?"

"What are you talking about?" Duan Jia Xu says: "It's bad if my girlfriend misunderstands me."


"Also, this is my biological Ge." Duan Jia Xu looks at Sang Yan, he smiles so gently: "How could I not help my own family?"

Sang Yan's eyes meet Duan Jia Xu's eyes, Sang Yan is shocked: "How could you make a person feels so disgusted when you are just dating?"

Qian Fei also shifts his side: "I really couldn't endure this, you are really too much."

Duan Jia Xu has a good temper so he just lets him laugh.

"In the past when you had no girlfriend, honestly, I could bear it." Qian Fei says: "Now you have a girlfriend, you are acting like a male peacock, everyday you keep on be lecherous. I don't know how could your Mei bear with it."

"........." Duan Jia Xu finds it funny: "Is it too over?"

"If you are free, you should take a look of yourself at the mirror." Qian Fei reminds him based on his own experience: "The young girls nowadays don't like pestering boyfriends. If you keep on doing this, less than a year, she would get tired of you."

Hearing this, Sang Yan looks at Duan Jia Xu. He looks bored.

Before Duan Jia Xu says anything more, his phone on the table rings. It's a video call from Sang Zhi. He smiles and picks up his phone. He says: "You guys shouldn't mind right?"

Qian Fei: "I mind."

Duan Jia Xu considers for a while and hangs up. He gives her a voice call. He takes his glass of water and says: "I see that you guys are not having any call, actually I'm also embarrassed to answer."


"But my woman has quite a temper," Duan Jia Xu smiles: "I couldn't miss her call."

In a next moment, the call is answered.

Sang Zhi says: "You are outside?"

"Em, I'm with your Ge and Qian Fei. We are out for a chat." Duan Jia Xu drinks his water and asks softly: "Are you back at your dorm?"

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