Chapter 30: Yan Zhen Ru Betrayal

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Sang Zhi finally realizes something, she looks at Yan Zhen Ru. Her eyes are black and indescribable.

Yan Zhen Ru doesn't dare to look at her eyes and immediately looks at another side.

Hearing Yan Zhen Ru's words make the red-haired woman notices Sang Zhi. She says: "How much you bring today?"

Sang Zhi pursues her lips and takes out her twenty dollars out.

The red-haired woman takes it. "Just this much?"

Sang Zhi nods.

The red-haired woman clicks her tongue. "Xiao Mei Mei, are you this poor?"

The other two women behind her laughs. "She likes a cripple one."

"Little cripple." She changes her words and pats Sang Zhi's face. She laughs. "You have no money, but your Pa Ma should have it right? Could you lend it and give Jie Jie to spend it?"

Because Sang Zhi is afraid that the cigarette will scald her, Sang Zhi doesn't dare to move. She just "em" slowly.

The red-haired woman just retreats her hand and says lightly: "Then tomorrow after school come here to find me. Oh right, if you dare to tell Lao Shi or your parents, every day Jie Jie will find you at your school."

Sang Zhi just pauses for two seconds and just "em."

The red-haired woman just feels satisfied. She passes by Yan Zhen Ru and clutches her hair. She laughs coldly: "Tomorrow you also need to come to give me the money. Don't make an excuse that your Pa Ma do not give you any money. Even you need to steal it you need to do it."

Yan Zhen Ru starts to tremble, she starts to sob. "Jie Jie, don't hit me.... tomorrow I'll definitely give it to you....."

After scaring them, the three female students are laughing and says something then they just leave.

Sang Zhi looks at Yan Zhen Ru expressionlessly: "You know them?"

"Yesterday I met them at the Internet Cafe." Yan Zhen Ru starts to cry. "Sang Zhi, I'm sorry. I'm really afraid. I have finished my allowance this month. My Pa Ma also don't give it to me. I don't know what should I do....."

She doesn't reply and just walks out of the alley.

Yan Zhen Ru is worried, she is so busy. "Don't get angry with me. Anyway just give them the money. They will not hurt us... the time we are having holiday, we will be okay...."


"Sang Zhi......"

Sang Zhi immediately turns her head, she asks: "Are you being blackmailed by them?"

Yan Zhen Ru nods pathetically.

"Then why are you calling me over?" Sang Zhi is clearly angry. Her tone sounds furious. "You should tell your Pa Ma or perhaps Lao Shi, why should you call me over?"

"You also heard what they said before right...." Yan Zhen Ru is startled to be scolded by her. She sobs: "If I tell my parents, they keep on finding me everyday, I don't dare..."


"More, moreover..." Yan Zhen Ru's voice sounds careless: "Don't your family is rich.....?"

Sang Zhi looks t her for a while and says nothing. She just walks out of the alley.

Yan Zhen Ru wipes her tears and follows her.

After a while, Sang Zhi says: "In the future don't look for me again."

Yan Zhen Ru starts to sob again. "Sang Zhi...."

"Don't need to hear them." Sang Zhi says calmly. "When you are back home, tell your parent. They will care of you. Those several people are not older much from us. It's no need to fear them."


Yan Zhen Ru just lowers her head.

Then Sang Zhi says: "Then I'll leave first, goodbye."

Yan Zhen Ru doesn't follow her again.

Sang Zhi doesn't dare to stay near that area. She walks faster till she arrives the at a nearby store that she knows. She stops. She notices that after a while, she is startled. She is frustrated and suddenly remembers about Duan Jia Xu.

Sang Zhi is nervous, she suddenly takes out her phone out of her backpack.

She notices it's already 06:00 p.m.

Duan Jia Xu has called her for several times.

Sang Zhi starts to feel terrified that he will scold her. The time she starts to think about it, he calls her.

She answers it quickly.

"Sang Zhi?"

Sang Zhi just "em" obediently.

Duan Jia Xu just feels relieved: "Where are you running from? Your Ge didn't ask you to wait me at your school?"

Sang Zhi: "I'm at Chen Ji's Wonton place. My Ge said to me."

It's several seconds of silence.

Duan Jia Xu: "Wait for me there."


After several minutes, Duan Jia Xu appears at Chen Ji's wonton place. It seems that he is running here. His forehead is full of sweat, his face is red. He is not smiling as before.

The time he notices that Sang Zhi is okay. He turns relieved but he frowns.

Sang Zhi takes initiative to call him. "Ge Ge."

Duan Jia Xu says indifferently: "Where did you go?"

Sang Zhi hesitates for a while and answers honestly by pointing at that alley.

"That side?" Duan Jia Xu looks over and stops. He looks at Sang Zhi again and laughs angrily. "Internet cafe?"


"Who let you to go?"

Sang Zhi looks at him and doesn't say anything.

Duan Jia Xu touches his chest like he is starting to calm his mood down. "Why weren't you picking up your phone?"


"If you are unhappy for me to pick you up, you can tell your Ge." Duan Jia Xu stops and watches her face. He smiles and starts to be gentle but his tone sounds a bit penetrating. "You know that Ge Ge is poor, I don't have any much time."

Sang Zhi speaks up: "I don't....."

She holds her backpack strap nervously and hesitates how should she tell him about what happened. She doesn't want to make trouble for him, she also feels afraid that he will think that she is stupid and easily deceived.

Looking at Sang Zhi looks a bit guilty, Duan Jia Xu's anger just disperses. But he doesn't smile. "Do you know that you are wrong?"




He starts to stress his words: "Speak up."

Sang Zhi never sees Duan Jia Xu be angry. This time she finally connects everything out. In the past if Sang Yan made trouble, Sang Rong will scold him for a moment before he beat him.

Duan Jia Xu sounds like Sang Rong before Sang Rong beat Sang Yan.

She remembers Sang Rong said.

— "If Xiao Hai (Little kid) doesn't listen, then it's better to beat him first."

Sang Zhi immediately takes her hand to her back and takes steps back.

Her movement is too sudden. It looks strange. Duan Jia Xu is startled and couldn't make it out what he wants to do .

In a next second, Sang Zhi just swallows her saliva and says cautiously. "Ge Ge, I'm sorry."

She sounds timid and nervous, it seems she is terrified of his words. Duan Jia Xu's anger slowly disappears. The time he is about to speak up. She says "— don't hit me."


To be Continued

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