Chapter 44: Yi He Airport.

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It's the first time for her to get on the airplane.

It's her first time to go to that far place.

After three hours, she arrives at Yi He airport.

Before coming here, Sang Zhi doesn't check on the weather forecast. Yi He is much colder than Nan Wu. She just wears a sweatshirt. She feels so cold that she trembles. She turns on her phone.

There are more than ten missed calls.

It's all from her family members.

Sang Zhi feels guilty and scared. She finds Sang Yan's phone number and calls him.

It's answered. Sang Yan sounds worried.

"Sang Zhi?"

Sang Zhi: "Em."

Sang Yan: "Where are you? Your Lao Shi said that you aren't at school. What time is it?"

"Ge Ge." Sang Zhi says slowly: "I am at Yi He City."


Sang Zhi lies: "My 'internet boyfriend' asks me to come."

"............" It's a silence, Sang Yan seems to hold his anger. "Where are you now in Yi He?"


"Find a place to stay. I will let Duan Jia Xu to come over now." Sang Yan says coldly. "If you dare to find your so-called 'internet boyfriend'. Watch whether I will beat you or not when you are back."


Sang Zhi lowers her head and gets inside the airport again.

She finds a seat to sit down. She is frustrated. She knows that she is wrong, she is wrong that she makes her family members worry.

But she couldn't control it anymore.

Sang Zhi continues to answer calls from Sang Rong and Li Ping. She hears that they are worried and angry with her. Yet they don't scold her much, they ask her to be careful.

After a while, her phone rings again.

This time it is a call from Duan Jia Xu.

She answers it.

Duan Jia Xu: "Where are you?"

He clearly sounds angry and cold.

Sang Zhi looks around and says: "The seats near T3 exit."

Very quickly Sang Zhi sees Duan Jia Xu appears in front of her.

It seems it's already a year since their last meeting. He looks much more mature, he is wearing a shirt with blue suit.

He looks worried and rushing to come here.

Sang Zhi shifts her gaze and notices a very beautiful woman beside him.

She immediately looks down.

Duan Jia Xu looks at her. He releases his breath and walks faster toward her. He kneels down in front of her and drapes his coat on her. He says nothing.

Sang Zhi couldn't say anything, she could see that woman's fresh red high heels.

Duan Jia Xu laughs angrily: "Your 'internet boyfriend'?"


"Don't you remember what I said to you?" Duan Jia Xu sounds cold. "Sang Zhi, how old are you now? How dare you run over this far away place?"

Sang Zhi raises her head and looks at Duan Jia Xu. She then looks at that beautiful woman. She wants to say something but she couldn't.

She wants to ask.

Is it true that he has a girlfriend now?

Is it true that he will be someone else?

Didn't you tell me that you will tell me?

Is it because you think I'm young so it's okay to lie to me?

Are you lying to me?

But Sang Zhi doesn't dare to ask him.

That beautiful woman couldn't help but to say. "Jia Xu, don't be too hard on this young girl."

Duan Jia Xu pretends like he doesn't hear her, his gaze is fixed on Sang Zhi.

Sang Zhi sobs and says slowly; "I'm sorry."

Duan Jia Xu asks: "He asked you to come over?"

Sang Zhi: "I want to come over by myself."

"You have met him?"

"Em." Sang Zhi says lowly: "He dislikes me to be that young."

"..... He is gone?" Duan Jia Xu turns calm.


"Sang Zhi, what he does is right. Now you are too young." Looking at her miserable state, Duan Jia Xu's anger just disappears. "It's inappropriate okay?"

Sang Zhi looks at him, her eyes are red. "But I will grow up."

She repeats: "I will grow up....."

"Then let's wait till you are a grown-up okay?"

"He would." Sang Zhi's tears fall down, she couldn't help but to sob. "He would like someone else."

She couldn't stop it.

To be Continued

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