Chapter 102: Novel 84

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The assembly halls turns silence for a while, then Sang Zhi hears the people around her are laughing. She doesn't know whether there is any person who taking his photos too. She just silently puts down her phone and switches off her phone.

This moment Sang Zhi feels rejoice. Luckily, no one knows about their relationship.

There're only five seconds left. In a next second, Duan Jia Xu just pretends like nothing is happened. He just concludes his speech.

He smiles gently yet it looks serious and cold.


Sang Zhi really feels that he is an awesome man.

She never meets more awesome man than him.

Looking that he is done with his speech and returning the microphone back to the MC. Sang Zhi suddenly remembers something, she picks up her phone and gives him a message: [Just sit down on your original seat.]

Sang Zhi: [Just meet when we are out of the university front gate.]

She doesn't! want to be ! embarrassed with him!

After she sends it, she looks around and notices her classmate is looking at her now.

Her classmate just raises both of her thumbs up at her.

Sang Zhi: ".........."


He seems to see her messages as after he gets off the stage, Duan Jia Xu doesn't look at her and just glances then smiles. He returns to his own seat.

Sang Zhi just sits down and watches his face.

Duan Jia Xu seems to recognize the man beside him, he is talking with that man for a while.

Sang Zhi withdraws her gaze.

No matter what, this time she would scold him.

She! wouldn't! be! soft-hearted!

This time Sang Zhi's phone vibrates.

Duan Jia Xu sends his message.

Duan Jia Xu: [Are you angry?]

Sang Zhi types "a bit", then she thinks about it then erases it. She changes her answer "em". She looks at it for a while then at last she doesn't send it. She decides to let him be troubled so he could consider his action.

Finally it's award ceremony. Sang Zhi and several people are called together. They are given certificates.

During the distribution of certificates, all the products are shown.

Sang Zhi feels shy. She doesn't expect that Duan Jia Xu would come. She never shows him her drawing. Sometimes he passed while she was drawing, she would immediately be alarmed and close her drawing.

The screen shows the character's front side, back side, and side.

Her design character is a man is standing sluggishly, he has a white tail at his back. His hand is holding a fan. He is smiling gently. He is wearing a red Chinese robe and shows a wide area of his chest.

Sang Zhi looks at Duan Jia Xu and meets his eyes. She pretends to look away. She takes photos then gets off the stage.

When everything is ended.

Sang Zhi takes photos with her friends and goes out of the assembly hall.

She finds a place to wait for Duan Jia Xu.

The temperature outside is low so Sang Zhi takes out her scarf and covers her neck.

After a while, Duan Jia Xu also comes out. He is wearing a coat outside his suit.

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