Chapter 46: Manhua End Season 1 Chapter 29 in the Novel

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"Em, I already bought one at 02:00 p.m." Duan Jia Xu gives her the boarding pass and identity card to her. "I already get the boarding pass for you. Let's go eat first then I'll send you to pass the security check."

"Okay." Sang Zhi says again: "how much is it?"

"It's nothing much." Duan Jia Xu takes off his tie and says casually. "What do you want to eat?"

Sang Zhi: "I'm okay with everything."

Duan Jia Xu takes her to the McDonalds in the airport.

They just order randomly, like both of them have no appetite. He doesn't mention about that woman or where does the woman go to. Sang Zhi has no courage to ask.

She is afraid to hear he says that woman is his girlfriend. She is afraid to losing her control.

Perhaps because he notices that her mood is not good, Duan Jia Xu teases her from time to time. His throat is a bit dry. He is coughing.

Sang Zhi couldn't help but to ask. "You are sick?"

"Em." Duan Jia Xu says: "I'm having a cold."

Sang Zhi turns quiet and says: "Then remember to take your medicine."

Duan Jia Xu laughs. "Thank you for Xiao Sang Zhi's care."

He then plays the box Sang Zhi gave him before. He asks. "Could Ge Ge open and see it?"

Sang Zhi bites her french fries and nods silently.

Inside it is a tie.

It is a black alternating with white stripe.

Duan Jia Xu doesn't touch it and looks at it. He smiles and seems to be happy. "Thank you Xiao Sang Zhi. Receiving this present makes Ge Ge feels happy too though I get a year older.

Sang Zhi just "Em." And very quickly, she takes tissue to wipe her hand. She takes out all her cash and stuffs it inside the pocket of the coat.

They both sit down there for a while.

When it's almost the time for her to go inside, Duan Jia Xu stands up and sends Sang Zhi off to the security check. He says ot her. "Go home and listen well to Shu Shu and A Yi's words. Study well, don't be unhappy because of this thing again.

Sang Zhi takes off her coat and returns it to him. "I know."

She pauses for few seconds, then she says: "Jia Xu Ge, you don't need to tell me."

— If you are dating, you don't need to tell me.

Duan Jia Xu doesn't understand what she means. "Em?"

Sang Zhi doesn't explain, she just forces a smile and goes toward the security check. Then she waves her hand toward him. "Then I hope that you will be happy everyday."


Because the window seats are sold out, Sang Zhi sits on the aisle seat. She doesn't cry. On the plane, she asks for a blanket with the air stewardess. She covers her head and falls asleep.

She has a dream.

She dreams that the time she meets Duan Jia Xu, she isn't thirteen years old girl, yet she is eighteen years.

She dreams that he dream comes true.

She dreams that her silent crush is fulfilled.


The plane takes off safely.

Sang Zhi switches on her phone and calls Sang Yan. After several hours, his anger has dispersed. He is calm. "You come to the T2 exit. I'm waiting for you there."

She says: "oh." And starts to walk there.

There she notices Sang Yan's figure. He is in the call.

Sang Yan comes toward her and examines her face. He wants to say something but he doesn't. He says lightly: "Forget it, I'll not scold you. Go home."


"Ma has helped you to ask for a day off with Lao Shi." Sang Yan's tone is not really good. "When you are home, I will not help you no matter how Pa Ma scold you. Because I also want to scold you."


"You now are really...."

He hasn't finished his words and he could listen Sang Zhi is inhaling.

Sang Yan stops and looks at her. He sighs and opens his arms big. "Hey, Xiao Gui."


"Don't cry. What is so worst about being heartbroken." Sang Yan says. "Come here, let Ge Ge hug you."


The time they reach home, Sang Rong and Li Ping are not home yet.

She goes into her bedroom and looks at the dolls. All the presents from Duan Jia Xu and the milk bottle are placed by her near the window. She looks at her broken piggy bank.

She stands up and takes off the Yi He university's photo on the wall.

She looks at it for a while.

Then her tears start to fall down. One by one.

She once again replays the image of the smiling Duan Jia Xu with that woman.

She wipes her tears. Because she is controlling her sobbing sound, her whole body is trembling hard. She raises her head and slowly sticks the photo back. She then takes out the paper where she wrote her dream.

She takes a pencil and quickly crosses out the second one.

The unfilled dream.

She should give it up.

The man that she likes since she was thirteen years old.

Her silent crush since she was thirteen years old.

Since that time, she always dreams to grow up faster, to be with him.

Today Sang Zhi realizes.

Perhaps even when she is a real grown-up, he would be someone else.

Or perhaps when she is a real grown-up, he would still see her as a kid. A kid that will never grow up.

End of Season 1 in Manhua 

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