Chapter 58: Novel 40

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Sang Zhi stops moving, she lifts her head to look at him. Her mind goes blank, she feels she might have an illusion because of being drunk last night.

The car is peaceful, there's only a smooth music.

After a while, Sang Zhi just regains herself and responds: "Ah?"

Duan Jia Xu looks in front, Sang Zhi could only his side-face. He smiles and says casually: "What is it?"

Sang Zhi asks lowly: "What did you want to say?"

Duan Jia Xu doesn't understand: "Em?"

Sang Zhi: "Ah?"

"Ah what?" Duan Jia Xu's expression doesn't change, he looks refined and calm and laughs. "Did I say anything?"

"......" Sang Zhi says hesitatingly: "Nothing?"

Duan Jia Xu is still smiling and says nothing.

Sang Zhi notices that his eyes are looks strange. She withdraws her gaze and just be puzzled. She lowers her head and takes out a thermos mug out of her bag. She suddenly pours it out.

Duan Jia Xu notices her movement and gazes at her. "What are you doing?"

Sang Zhi frowns and continues to pour the water: "to sober up."


Duan Jia Xu's eyebrows raise up and says gently: "Em, drink more."


Yesterday indeed that drink is too alcoholic, now she feels a bit sick. Her head feels heavy, she has no appetite to eat. She just wants to eat a bit of fruits or perhaps drinks a bowl of warm soup.

Duan Jia Xu considers this and looks for a nearby Guangdong style restaurant.

The time the car passes a fruit store, Duan Jia Xu gets in and buys two boxes of strawberries. When Sang Zhi is ordering, he stands up and goes to the restroom to wash clean two boxes of strawberries.

Sang Zhi looks over it for quiet a long time, at last she choose a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

Looking that Duan Jia Xu is back, Sang Zhi passes the menu to his front. "I'm done. Ge Ge, take a look what do you want to eat."

Duan Jia Xu puts the strawberries on the side and takes tissue to wipe his hand. Then he takes the menu. He glances at her and says: "Is it enough for you to just order a bowl of porridge?"

"I don't want to eat this." Sang Zhi points: "I want to eat strawberries."

"Eat a bit of it first then you could eat this." Duan Jia Xu takes the pen and orders several food that suits Sang Zhi's taste: "Drink the tea first. Later on I have things to ask you."


His tone sounds like he wants to square accounts after the autumn harvest.

Sang Zhi pauses and thinks about what happened last night when she was drunk. She explains: "Last night we went to the bar near the University. Most of the guests there are students. The students of our university frequently comes there."

Duan Jia Xu passes the menu to the waiter and lifts up his eyes.

"Then for the drink I just ordered it randomly." Sang Zhi says honestly: "I also never drank that. I didn't know that's too alcoholic. I feel that I am quite good at drinking. I also didn't want to waste it...."

"Who did you go with?"

"My roommates."

"Really?" Duan Jia Xu props his face on one of his hand. He looks at her: "Then how could I hear a man's voice?"

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