Chapter 40: Jia Xu and San Yang Graduation

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Because of various administration and graduation thesis, Duan Jia Xu would come back to the University several times, yet he will be in a rush. Sang Zhi have met him several times but it always so hasty.

He seems to remain the same.

He always acts so casual. He still loves to tease her. He acts like his usual self.

For major and significant holiday, Sang Zhi also will receive Duan Jia Xu's messages and presents. During his leisure time, he will send message to her to ask about her study or condition. It makes her feel that he hasn't forgotten her.

The time she meets him relaxedly, it's already in June. He is going back to the university to take his graduation photo.

Sang Zhi is taken by her parents to go over too.

That time Sang Zhi could see Sang Yan with his bachelor's degree robe as well as the long-time-no-see Duan Jia Xu, who is standing under the sun. He is tall and is talking with Chen Jun Wen. He is smiling too.

Except having shorter hair than before, there's nothing different about him.

Looking at this, Sang Zhi feels nervous.

She is holding a bouquet of flowers for Sang Yan, she follows behind Sang Rong and Li Ping. She doesn't take initiative to come over and chat with Duan Jia Xu.

There're lots of people around, except of graduating students, there are friends and relatives of graduating students. It's a bit noisy.

Sang Zhi couldn't hear clearly what her parents are saying. She is a bit dizzy because of the heat. Yet her attention is on Duan Jia Xu. Her heart is beating so fast.

Very quickly, Sang Zhi notices that Duan Jia Xu is coming over. He greets Sang Rong and Li Ping politely. They chat for a while but she couldn't hear it clearly.

After a while, Duan Jia Xu looks at Sang Zhi. "Xiao Sang Zhi."

Sang Zhi lifts up her head. "Ge Ge."

"Do you have any conscience?" Duan Jia Xu smiles: "It's been a long time since you met Ge Ge, why didn't you come over to greet me?"

Sang Zhi doesn't know what should she say. She mumbles. "I think you are forgetting about me."

"Em? How could you say that?" Duan Jia Xu thinks it's funny and absurd. "Did I not send you your birthday present? Did I not send you gift for Children's Day? Do you think those presents are coming from the Heaven?"

"............" Sang Zhi looks a him. "Those aren't from My Ge?"

"I let your Ge gives it to you." Duan Jia Xu wants to say more but suddenly he notices that she has grown taller. "Xiao Sang Zhi is getting taller?"

Sang Zhi just says "Eh."

Duan Jia Xu: "Then should I send you a present for Children's day next year?"

Sang Zhi frowns: "You should."

"Okay, if Ge Ge has money, Ge Ge will send you." Duan Jia Xu thinks about it and ask: "Have you have your entrance examination for senior high school?"


"Do you think you could get a good mark?"

"I think so."

Then a classmate comes over and asks Duan Jia Xu for a photo. Sang Zhi knows how to behave in this situation so she shifts. The photo is taken. After several seconds, she is called by Duan Jia Xu.

Sang Zhi is confused. "What?"

He points to the camera. "Take a photo with Ge Ge?"

Sang Zhi looks over and keeps on being silent. She comes over and stands beside him. Then she stands a meter from him.

"......." Duan Jia Xu is confused: "Is Ge Ge offending you?"

Sang Zhi: "No."

"Then why are you standing that far away?" Duan Jia Xu waves his hand to her. "Come closer. Why you are acting like someone that hates me?"

Sang Zhi just shits two steps closer and looks a bit unnatural.

After the photo, Duan Jia Xu says to his friend. "Later on send me the photo."

Sang Zhi stays beside him then after a while, she asks him. "Ge Ge, in the future would you come over to Nan Wu?"

Duan Jia Xu smiles. "Em? You hate to part with Ge Ge?"

Sang Zhi straightens her lips and nods.

To be Continued

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