Chapter 27: Piggy Back Ride

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Sang Zhi doesn't understand: "How could I bully you?"

Duan Jia Xu acts like he doesn't hear her.

Sang Zhi blinks and feels embarrassed and at a complete loss. She explains herself. "Ge Ge, I feel you... you are.... you are good toward me."

This time Duan Jia Xu moves and takes back his hat on her head. He wears it.

Sang Zhi: "........"

She says: "You are quite childish."

Duan Jia Xu says calmly: "Em, you are good at scolding person."

"......." Sang Zhi opens her eyes big and says: How could I scold you. You are an adult, how could I bully you? Don't wrong me."

Duan Jia Xu: "Give me your hand."

Sang Zhi pauses and extends her hand.

He holds her wrist and looks at it. He applies the iodine and doesn't mind her words. He looks like he is angry.

Sang Zhi stammers: "Ge Ge, why aren't you talking to me?"


Sang Zhi also feels unhappy: "You are quite good at arguing...."

Looking at him makes Sang Zhi immediately speaks up. "No, you are quite good at holding a grudge....... not right, you have a good memory."

"My memory is good?" Duan Jia Xu smiles and finally replies her: "Aren't you still scolding me because you hold grudge against me?'

"If you want to understand it, it's not..." Sang Zhi has no courage to talk more. "Of course I don't mean that way."

"I am complementing you." Duan Jia Xu stands up and takes a wet tissue. "But Ge Ge doesn't like to hear that."

Sang Zhi: "......."

It's hard to win from him.

Then Duan Jia Xu kneels down again and approaches Sang Zhi, he wants to clean up her face. "Could you say anything else?"

Because they are so close now, Sang Zhi unconsciously pulls back.

Duan Jia Xu thinks that she doesn't like to be touched on the face so he stops. He doesn't really care, he passes the tissue to her. "You have something on your face, could you clean up by yourself?"

Sang Zhi turns silence for a while and doesn't take it. She just moves front.

Her intention is clear.

Sang Zhi says reasonably: "I couldn't see it."

"Why are you so awkward?" Duan Jia Xu laughs and slowly wipes her face. The time she is done, he doesn't immediately stand up, he says: "Kid, don't you feel...."

Sang Zhi is a bit nervous. "What?"

Duan Jia Xu looks at her and drags his voice: "Why do I feel like I'm treating my ancestor?"

Her ankle is iced for a while, her injury on her arm is treated well. She doesn't feel in a lot of pain so Sang Zhi isn't really in a bad mood.

Since she was little, she always be well-treated so she doesn't fee it's inappropriate to be this close to him.

Sang Zhi glances at him and mumbles: "I also don't ask you to do anything over."

She just lets him to treat her wound and wipes her face.

It's not a difficult task.

How could he say that he feels like he is treating his ancestor?

"I somehow have a "Mei Mie", your biological Ge Ge is running away." Duan Jia Xu stands up. "Xiao Hai, you count by yourself, how many times have I help you?"

Sang Zhi thinks and finally says: "If you have trouble, I also can help you out."

Duan Jia Xu is interested with her words, he sits down beside her and looks at her. "Em? What could you help me with?"

"Just......" Sang Zhi stops and couldn't think of something to help him with. She scratches her head and feels like a failure. She could only stupidly changes the subject: "Where is my Ge running to...."

Duan Jia Xu says casually: "He doesn't want you anymore."

Sang Zhi snorts: "I also dislike him."

Then she remembers what happened before and starts to be worried: "Would my Ge find it weird that I called him "papa" in front of my Lao Shi. He even heard Lao shi called you as "Sang Zhi Ge Ge"."

"Em." Duan Jia Xu says: "Supposedly he knows now that I used to pretend to be him to meet your Lao Shi."


Sang Zhi's scalp feels mumb. "What could I do then?"

"What could I do?" Duan Jia Xu sighs: "We both are over."

"....." Sang Zhi is very worried because of his words, she mumbles. "It shouldn't be right. I come to talk with her, he will not tell my parents too...."

Duan Jia Xu: "Aren't you ignoring him?

"It's not like I ignore him, he always scolds me." Sang Zhi starts to be dispirited. "If I'm okay, I'll let it go. But now I fall down and get injured, he still scold me?"

"Do you feel he doesn't worry of you?"

Sang Zhi straightens her lips and doesn't give any response

"Didn't you see that when he heard what Lao Shi's words, he didn't ask too much. Didn't it mean that he is worried about you?"

Sang Zhi mumbles: "Couldn't he be more gentle?"

Duan Jia Xu finds it is funny. "Let your Ge be more gentle? Doesn't it mean that you are forcing someone to do something?"


It's reasonable.

Sang Zhi doesn't know what to say, she glances at him and lowers her head.

The atmosphere turns quiet. Sang Yan finally returns after saying that he would take a glass of water for her. It takes him quite some time. He passes her a glass of warm water. "Drink this and let's go to the hospital."

Sang Zhi doesn't move.

Sang Yan kneels down in front of her and raises his hand in front of her. "Do you want to drink it or not?"

Sang Zhi just takes it slowly.

Then Sang Yan turns his head to look at Duan Jia Xu. "Are you done with treating her wounds?"

Duan Jia Xu: "Em."

Sang Yan gives another cup of water to him: "Thank you, Bro."

Duan Jia Xu leans on his chair and just laughs. Sang Yan then faces his back toward Sang Zhi's front. "Get on."

Sang Zhi feels that she is still in a 'cold-war' with him so she pretends to not hear it.

Sang Yan looks back at her and watches her for several seconds. Then he says: "Your "Qing Ge (Biological Older brother)' has an afternoon class so he will not have time and energy to take you to the hospital. He asks your 'Qing Pa (Biological father)' to send you."


"Hurry up."

Sang Zhi looks at Duan Jia Xu.

Duan Jia Xu stands up and takes out his phone. He looks at the time and says: "Don't you have class too?"

"You should remember it wrongly." Sang Yan doesn't look at him and just says to Sang Zhi. "Hurry up get on."

He sounds impatient.

Because of there will be no Duan Jia Xu, Sang Zhi doesn't dare to make fuss. She is quite afraid that Sang Yan will not mind her too. She could only get on his back.

Duan Jia Xu puts on his hat on her again.

"Listen well to your Ge."

To be Continued

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