Chapter 26

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The time Sang Zhi stands steady, Duan Jia Xu kneels down and carries her up on his back.

Sang Zhi lays down on Duan Jia Xu's back and looks at Sang Yan. She wants to say something but because she is still angry, she turns her back again.

Duan Jia Xu adjusts his position, he looks front and asks: "Except your leg, are you hurt anywhere else?"

Sang Zhi says in low voice: "My arm is hurt."


"My knee is also hurt a bit."

"Em, don't cry." Duan Jia Xu says: "Later on Ge Ge will apply the medicine on you."

Sang Zhi nods silently.

From this point, Sang Zhi just could only see his side-face.

Before Duan Jia Xu gave her his hat, but after that she returned it because she would jump soon. This moment, he is wearing that hat too. They are close to each other right now. She could scent the cigarette smell on him now.

Sang Zhi examines his features.

Duan Jia Xu seems to notice her gaze, he suddenly calls after her: "Xiao Hai."

Sang Zhi immediately looks at the other side, she pretends to do nothing.

Without waiting for her reply, Duan Jia Xu says: "Take off Ge Ge's hat."


Sang Zhi follows him. "Then?"

Duan Jia Xu says causally: "Then wear it on your head."

Sang Zhi is startled.

Duan Jia Xu seems to notice her expression, he turns his head and looks at her stupefied expression. He laughs: "You don't feel hot?"


The time they arrive at the tent.

Duan Jia Xu puts Sang Zhi down and lets her sit down.

There're not many of injured people, most of them are only getting a heatstroke.

Sang Yan calls the doctor to come over and let her to help to look at Sang Zhi's injury.

The doctor examines Sang Zhi's ankle and takes an ice pack and bottled medicine over. She says: "It's okay. It's not serious. You should ice it for a while then spray this. Don't do any sport for few days."

Duan Jia Xu looks at her and says: "Should we go to the hospital to examine this?"

"No, it's only a slight sprained." The doctor says: "But if you want to be cautious, just go to the hospital to see whether she hurts her muscles or bones?"

Sang Yan: "it's better that we go to the hospital."

Sang Zhi looks at her swollen ankle and says nothing.

Duan Jia Xu goes and takes a saline and iodine. He kneels in front of Sang Zhi. "Let's treat the other wounds first before we go to the hospital."

Sang Yan comes over. "Let me do it."

Sang Zhi just speaks up and says: "NO."

"....." Sang Yan looks at her and tries to control his emotion. "Okay, let me go and pour you a glass of water."

Duan Jia Xu watches this. He raises his eyebrows and smiles at her. "You believe me that much?"

Sang Zhi's eyes are still red. She lowers her head and says to him. "My Ge has no patience on him, he will make it hurt for me."

Duan Jia Xu: "Xiao Sang Zhi is afraid of pain?"

Sang Zhi nods and feels embarrassed. She adds: "How could there be anyone that is not afraid of pain?"

"Okay, but it possible that it'll be a bit hurt." Duan Jia Xu opens up the saline "Could you try to bear it?"

Sang Zhi immediately hides her hand. "Couldn't you be slowly?"

"Just a bit of pain." Duan Jia Xu smiles. "Couldn't you bear a tiny bit of pain?"

Sang Zhi insists: "NO."

"Okay." Duan Jia Xu says, "I'll be more careful."

Sang Zhi looks at her and feels complicated. She then shows her hand again. She says: "Ge Ge, I'm very good at holding a grudge."


"Don't lie to me."

"You are serious?" Duan Jia Xu stops and looks at her. "Then let me take someone to treat you?"


"I don't want Xiao Sang Zhi to hate me."

Sang Zhi straightens her lips: "No."

Duan Jia Xu starts to find this hilarious. "You said no for everything, aren't you turning unreasonable?"


The saline doesn't make it feel painful but Sang Zhi just feels a bit uncomfortable. Sang Zhi watches him intensely and feels she could bear it.

To make her distracted, Duan Jia Xu says: "You are in Grade 8, how could you not know what being reasonable is?"

Sang Zhi frowns: "Though before I said to you don't know what is "reasonable", but actually I am a very reasonable person."

Duan Jia Xu laughs: "Really?"

The time her wounds are cleaned, Duan Jia Xu folds the right leg of her trousers. He starts to treat her knees.

His tone makes Sang Zhi feels unhappy: "of course I am."

Duan Jia Xu is serious and meticulous in treating her wound. "Em, Xiao Sang Zhi is the most obedient girl."

Sang Zhi looks at him and shuts up.

"Oh right, before you said to your teacher that your Ge is your Pa." Duan Jia Xu smiles, "Do you think he believe it?"

Sang Zhi thinks about it. "My Lao Shi never meets my Papa."

Duan Jia Xu: "Em?"

Sang Zhi: "How could he doubt it?"

"......." Duan Jia Xu finds this is so funny. "Your Ge looks that old? He is wearing the same clothes as me."

Sang Zhi just notices this, she turns stiff and says: "Why didn't you remind me before?"

Duan Jia Xu starts to apply the iodine on her wound and says nothing.

Sang Zhi hesitates and asks: "If that Lao Shi asked about this, could I tell him that you are wearing clothes for parent-child."

"......." Duan Jia Xu looks at her. "Xiao Hai, do you have any heart?"


Duan Jia Xu says calmly: "Ge Ge treats you well, how could you help my Ge to bully me?"

To be Continued

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