Chapter 65: Novel 47

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Sang Zhi couldn't respond for a moment, she almost answers it. She stops breathing and pretends to not see him.

According to her thinking, his words have double meaning.

Either, am I the one that you said?

Or could I be that person?

No matter what is the meaning, if she admits it, then isn't she showing up her feeling? But if she doesn't admit it, how about if he retreat because of this?

Sang Zhi is at war.

Duan Jia Xu waits for her answer patiently, he doesn't force her.

After a while, Sang Zhi decides that to say: "No."

Duan Jia Xu just says "Ah", like he feels sorrow.

Without waiting for his words, Sang Zhi lowers her head and says seriously: "Don't say that words again, I don't like that man again."

Duan Jia Xu raises his eyebrows: "Oh."

Sang Zhi nods seriously, she is afraid that he will not trust him. She thinks about it and lies: "Didn't you say that he is not a good man? So I never contact him again."

"......." Duan Jia Xu's disappears.

Sang Zhi says seriously: "Now I have no one that I like."

Duan Jia Xu turns silent for few seconds, he feels it's hard to describe his mood. He feels like he digs a hole and buries himself.

He withdraws his gaze then says: "This person is also Zhong Yang Kong Tiao (Central air conditioning: A man that always treats every woman well?"

Sang Zhi hesitates: "Just a bit."

Now she just remembers about that words. Duan Jia Xu is a bit happy: "Do you know what that words mean?"

Sang Zhi feels it is strange: "Don't you know?"


"How could you not know? You could search in the internet?" Sang Zhi also doesn't care too much, she just explains it to him.

"The Zhong Yang Kong Tiao (Central air conditioner) is a man who has lots of girl friends, he treats every woman well but he has no real girlfriend."

Duan Jia Xu hangs low his head and looks at her. He jut says: "Em, these explain what so-called Zhong Yang Kong Tiao."

"....." Sang Zhi says it reasonably: "Of course."

The question ends now.

They both keep on walking and pass a group of college students. Sang Zhi hears faintly that Duan Jia Xu says: "She is really good at denounce on false charges."


Previously Sang Zhi wanted to watch Big Hero 6, most of the cinemas has stopped airing that. There's only one left.

That cinema is located at the SCBD area.

Duan Jia Xu has bought the ticket in advance.

They both take the metro. Because this is weekend, it's so crowded. Luckily, Sang Zhi and Duan Jia Xu could get in and just stand near the window.

Duan Jia Xu is worried that she would be squeezed so Duan Jia Xu just pulls her to stand in front of him.

Around them are people, she couldn't find a support. Sang Zhi couldn't help but to say: "I have nothing to hold to support me."

Duan Jia Xu looks at her and just gives her the hold, that used to be his. "Just hold this."

Sang Zhi extends her hand and holds it. She looks at him. "What about you?"

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