Chapter 24: Accident

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Who knows that this person is much better than Sang Yan.

Sang Zhi moves to stand behind Duan Jia Xu and tries to use powerful connections to intimidate: "Do you hear it? My Ge asks you to not bully me again."

Sang Yan looks at both of them for a while and feels absurd. "Who is your Ge?"

She points at Duan Jia Xu.

"Okay, brother." Sang Yan puts down his camera and turns happier. "I'll give it to you."

Finally, it's Sang Zhi's turn to compete.

For doing sport, actually Sang Zhi isn't an expert. But because of her light weight, she can jump easily. That's the reason she chooses to do a long jump.

This is her first time to join the competition.

At first she didn't feel nervous, she just wants it to be done soon. She doesn't care whether she will win or not.

But now with two men watching her.

She takes a deep breath.

She is standing at the lane and looks at the take-off line. She is considering how much steps she should talk. Very quickly she hears the sound of whistle and starts to run.

Before she reaches a meter from the take-off liner, Sang Zhi stops for a while then runs again. She is afraid to step on the take-off liner. She looks at it and then jumps.

Everything turns silent for her, she could hear the breathing sound of her own.

After several seconds, the referee takes a ruler and measures it. "0155, the first jump is 0.–0.5m.


Sang Zhi could hear a faint laughter, but she acts like she couldn't hear it. She scratches her head. "Should I jump again?"

Referee: "You should jump twice again."

Sang Zhi doesn't want to jump again but she doesn't want to break the rule.

Duan Jia Xu finds it hilarious. "What happened to you Mei? She is running so fast when she almost steps on the take-off liner then stops and stands there and jump?"

"She is on alert and timid." Sang Yan records the first jump. "Supposedly she is afraid to fall down."

For the second jump, Sang Zhi does it better. 0.8 meter.

Sang Yan passes Sang Zhi and says with care: "Your long jump is less than my step."


Chen Ming Xu just comes over to watch the competition when he sees how Sang Zhi jump. He comes over quickly and scolds her. He asks her to do it better.

Because of the provocations from Sang Yan and Chen Ming Xu.

Sang Zhi plans that this time she should do better to let them see.

She controls her breath and runs.

At the middle she starts to sped up.

When the she is five centimeter from the take-off line, she jumps and falls down into a jumping pit. She loses her balance and lands on her ankle that makes her ankle sprained. She falls forward.

She is in pain.

A volunteer immediately comes over and helps her: "Are you okay?"

Sang Zhi is really in pain that she cannot control her tears but she doesn't sob loudly. She says: I'm, I'm okay."

Her ankle is in pain, Sang Zhi tries hard to stand up.

This accident happens unexpectedly.

Sang Yan and Duan Jia Xu immediately run toward her, Chen Ming Xu also runs toward Sang Zhi.

To be Continued

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