Chapter 75: Novel 57

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That woman's expression just turns stiff, she notices quickly that Sang Zhi is standing on the other side. In an instant, she realizes that this man is taken. She coughs awkwardly and says: "I'm sorry, I disturb you."

She also doesn't stay any longer, she just leaves quickly.

She leaves two of them there.

Duan Jia Xu looks at Sang Zhi and approaches her. He takes her laptop bag and watches her unhappy expression. He seems to be in a good mood. "You are angry?"

Sang Zhi also looks at him, she says without any expression. "Why should I be angry?"

Duan Jia Xu tries to control his laughter: "Why didn't you speak up before?"

Sang Zhi is still unhappy, she doesn't want to mind him. She just passes by him and says stiffly: "She was asking you for your WeChat Id not mind, why should I say something?'"

"I didn't give it to her right?" Duan Jia Xu just follows her and makes an apology playfully: "Forgive me."

Sang Zhi looks at him. "Did I say something?"

Duan Jia Xu considers and teases her: "Em, you said that you are jealous."

".........." Sang Zhi straightens her lips and refutes as she is keen on face-saving. "You are the one that jealous."

Duan Jia Xu raises his eyebrows: "You aren't jealous?"

Sang Zhi says nothing.

"Am I misunderstanding you?" Duan Jia Xu says, "Why do I see that you are indeed jealous?"

Sang Zhi is still silent.

"........." Looking that his action of keep on talking, Sang Zhi also feels that she shows her expression too obviously. She holds back her emotion for few seconds and simply says: "So what if I am jealous!"

Duan Jia Xu is startled and laughs. He smiles and speaks up, "It's okay."

Sang Zhi says furiously: "Couldn't you........"

Duan Jia Xu; "Em?"

She says cooly: "Couldn't you behave well and wait there for me?"

Duan Jia Xu says: "Why do you think that I wasn't behaving well before?"

Sang Zhi looks at his eyes.

His eyelashes are fine and long, his pupil is brown. The time he is looking face to face with someone, it could make that person be bewitched. He always smiles casually like he is provoking.

She just directly declares his misconduct: "Before I saw that you lure her."

This is a surprising final conclusion

"......." Duan Jia Xu almost chokes, "What?"

"You were." Sang Zhi is serious. She is planting false evidence against him. "Then how could that person without any reason and cause come over and want your WeChat ID, if you are standing there doing nothing?"

"Xiao Peng You (Little friend), how could you accuse "the victim"?"

Sang Zhi: "How could you be muddle-headed."

Duan Jia Xu: "The tell me how do I lure her, could you describe it to me?"

Sang Zhi pauses, for a moment she couldn't describe it. She lowers her head and starts to 'polish and refine a literary work'. She mumbles the accusation. "You glanced at her."


In an instant Sang Zhi just turns bold and confident. She criticizes him seriously: "Right, you glance at her."

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