Chapter 67: Novel 49

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After the shower, Sang Zhi returns to her seat. She places her newly-owned camera on a table. Then she transfers the selfie of Duan Jia Xu to her computer. She forms a new folder for it.

The time she also puts the photo of two of the that she took in Duan Jia Xu's house.

She thinks about it and logs in to the QQ. She then opens up her secret folder there, she looks for the photo of Duan Jia Xu, which she took secretly.

The three photos have different hues and pixels.

Putting all three photographs, it shows how time passes.

Sang Zhi looks at it in a daze, suddenly she remembers the time she was in year 12.

That time her situation indescribably bad, she got a low mark in Physic, the subject that she used to earn a great mark. she also frequently made careless mistakes. Her achievement went down.

The day she received Duan Jia Xu's present of growing up to adulthood, Nan Wu city published the ranking list.

It's her worst achievement.

Because of this, after her self-study ended.

She was called by her teacher to talk.

Her homeroom teacher noticed that previously her and the next class sport student were close with each other. The teacher thought that it led to her fall in achievement.

The time of their discussion, the teacher said words without sparing Sang Zhi's feeling.

Sang Zhi just listened to her silently and repeated "I'm not dating". Then she went back to the classroom. She took her backpack and went home.

She thought about that time, during that time she only had a half-day free time in a week.

After the class ended in the Saturday afternoon, the next day she would study again at night.

The time she returned home, it's her birthday.

Li Ping and Sang Rong were in the kitchen and cooking meal.

Perhaps because it's her birthday, Sang Yan unprecedentedly be at home. He's sitting on the sofa and watching movie. Looking at her, he lifted his chin and said calmly: "Duan Jia Xu sent you an express package, it's in your room."

Sang Zhi nods and just returns to her bedroom silently.

She closes her door and places her heavy back on the table. She looks at the package and opens it.

Inside it's a makeup state and a birthday card.

Sang Zhi opens the card.

His writing is impressive and in order.

— Wishing Xiao Sang Zhi a happy day of turning into an adult.

It's words that she's expected for a long time.

But she was so emotional.

Year 12 had brought her a lot of pressures, the teachers just criticized them without hearing any explanation. It made it hard for her to control her feeling of being wronged.

Sang Zhi looked at it and her eyes turned red. After a while, she started to sob and cries.

She felt that everything is so hard to endure.

She didn't dare to let anyone hear her out, she just knelt down on the floor and used her best to control her sob. Her whole body was trembling hard and started to hiccup.

She felt that she couldn't breath.

That time.

Sang Zhi throughly realized and experienced what kind of feeling of being a grown-up is.

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