Chapter 8: No Girlfriend?

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In a flash, the mid-term exams end. It's a Dragon Boat Festival holiday.

Sang Zhi comes home early and takes a bowl of fresh strawberries from the fridge. She lays down on her stomach on the sofa and chews on it. Her parents are not home. She's alone at home. She is watching a cartoon.

Suddenly the door is opened. Sang Zhi looks over and she recognizes Sang Yan.

She doesn't expect him to go home during this holiday. Sang Zhi is startled and she just looks back at the television.

Sang Yan is furious and laughs. "You don't know how to greet people?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you'll be home." Sang Zhi eats and says: "Before mama called to tell you to cook two bowls of rice, hurry up cook it."

Sang Yan says coldly: "I didn't tell her that I'll come home, how could she ask me to cook it?"

Sang Zhi's gaze is fixed toward the television, she probes for her phone and dials Li Ping. Then she turns on the speaker. "If you don't trust me, then you can give her a call."

Sang Yan is lazy to mind her, he takes a glass of cold water to drink from the fridge.

It's answered. Li Ping says: "Zhi Zhi, what is it/"

"Mama." Sang Zhi says calmly: "Ge Ge is home, before you asked me to tell him to cook the rice right ah?"

Sang Yan closes the fridge and looks at Sang Zhi.

Then he hears Li Ping is silent for a while, then she says; "Oh right, has he cook it?"

Sang Yan: "......"

Sang Zhi swallows her strawberry and raises her voice. She says to Sang Yan. "Ma is asking whether you have cooked it or not!"

Sang Yan watches Sang Zhi for a moment and says nothing. He just goes to the kitchen directly. Looking at this, Sang Zhi stands up and goes to the kitchen. She just cranes her neck on the door. "He is cooking it now."

She then says few words to Li Ping and ends the call. She looks at Sang Yan's figure and suddenly remembers about Duan Jia Xu. She suddenly speaks up: "Ge Ge, are you dating someone in university?"

Sang Yan ignores her.

"No? You haven't been on relationship?" Sang Zhi just forgets about her cartoon. "I am serious, Ge Ge."

Sang Yan looks at her and says hostilely: "What is it?"

Sang Zhi says seriously: "Do you want to go to have plastic surgery?"


Sang Yan is so furious that he doesn't want to look at her. He just faces his back to her and sneers. "Do you remember the Ge Ge that came home with me?"

Sang Zhi stops chewing and looks down. She says slowly: "Yes."

"He said that you and me are look similar."

"......" Sang Zhi turns silent for a while, then says again. "Did I offend him?"


Sang Zhi pursues her lips and says unhappily: "If I didn't, then why did he say me to be ugly?"


Sang Yan tries to calm down, he suddenly turns off the faucet and turns his body. He sprays his wet water to Sang Zhi's face. "I'll give you two choices. Go and watch your stupid cartoon, or you stay here and let me beat you."

"Why are you angry?" Sang Zhi wipes the water from her face and frowns: "he condemned me not you."

Sang Zhi puts the rice into the rice cooker and doesn't even look at her. "The door is there."

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