Chapter 13: Annoying my Older Brother

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Because it's still early, the classroom is a bit empty.

There're twenty minutes left before the class starts. Most of her classmates will become a bit later. Sang Zhi goes to her table and takes everything out from his backpack till it's empty. She then stops and gropes the paper in her pocket.

She takes out the paper.

She opens it up and presses it down till it's straight.

Indeed it's a diary entry, it seems he is imitating her handwriting.

Small, nimble, beautiful.

The title is <<Helping Ge Ge Moving In The Dorm>>

The content is very serious. He wrote it in detail and great flow. She flips it and there're words behind. : Isn't used."

Sang Zhi is imagining things.

She imagines that during late night. When the light was dim, he was sitting on his table and writing this.

Her heartbeat and breath turn rapid. Then her heart feels sweet.

Sang Zhi looks at the writing once more and cannot help but to smile. Then she folds the paper again, she puts it cautiously inside her bag.

This time Yan Zhen Ru comes inside the classroom, she greets Sang Zhi.

"Yiii, how could be so happy today?"

Sang Zhi is startled and tries to control her smile.

"Nothing, I am just remembering a joke."

Yan Zhen Ru doesn't ask about anything else. She examines her and notices a bottle of milk on Sang Zhi's table. She says puzzlingly: "Aren't you allergic toward milk? Why did you buy this?"

Sang Zhi turns silent and puts the bottle of milk inside her drawer. "I took it by accident."

On the way home, Sang Zhi puts the bottle of milk inside the fridge.

She is afraid that Li Ping will see this.

She hesitates for a while. At last she hides it inside her own treasure box. The time she is thinking about him, she will take it out.

Day by day passes.

Though her school and the university so close that she only needs around five minutes to go there. She even can pretend to look for Sang Yan to meet that man. But she has no courage to do it.

She always feels something is wrong.

She is worried that she cannot hide it.

After half a month.

The first day of the summer vacation. The time Sang Zhi takes out that bottle of milk, Li Ping sees it. She thinks that Sang Zhi wants to eat the milk, Li Ping tells her to not drink it. She is worried that Sang Zhi will drink it so she wants to take it.

Sang Zhi doesn't want to give it so she just throws away the milk and washes the bottle cleanly. She dries it too. Day by day she puts a folded star inside.

Then she also puts the homework that Duan Jia Xu did inside it.

The little bud grows big to a tall big tree.

She starts to hope that for a good progress.

Every day.

She hopes that days can pass quickly.

She hopes that she can grow up quicker.

In the early August, because Sang Rong and Li Ping want to go to another city to join a friend's wedding. There are only Sang Yan and Sang Zhi. Before departing, Li Ping tells Sang Yan a stack of orders. She asks him to take care of Mei Mei (Younger sister).

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