Chapter 11: Notebook

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At night 11:00 p.m.

The time Duan Jia Xu returns to the dorm.

Chen Jun Wen and Qian Fei are sitting and playing games on their computers. They are so noisy. Sang Yan is laying down on his bed and doesn't move. He hears a movement and raises up his head lazily. "Hi, Duan JiaXu."

Duan Jia Xu puts down his backpack on the table. "What?"

"My Mei called me before." Sang Yan passes the phone to him. "She said that you have things that left at her place. I asked her abut it, but she doesn't want to tell me. You should call her and ask her."

Duan Jia Xu opens up his wardrobe and doesn't find his clothes. "Call her and give it to me when it's connected."

Sang Yan is too tired. He finds Sang Zhi's number and calls it. Then he passes his phone to Duan Jia Xu. Duan Jia Xu takes it and holds it near his ear. He then goes to the balcony to take his clothes.

The call is answered.

"Ge Ge?"

Duan Jia Xu says lazily. "Xiao Hai, what did I leave at your place."

"......." Sang Zhi turns quiet and very quickly she says again with guilty feeling. "Ge Ge, it's not you who leave something at my place, but my thing is at your place."

"What thing?"

Sang Zhi says honestly: "My homework."

Duan Jia Xu just "em" casually. "I'll let your Ge to send it over to you tomorrow morning?"

"But I haven't done it...."


Duan Jia Xu stops collecting his clothes and turns silent for a few seconds. Suddenly he understands why she is looking for him.

"You want me to help you to do it?"

Sang Zhi seems to realize that her request is somewhat troublesome, she explains lamely: "At the beginning I also can do it by myself. But, but it's about making 500 words diary entry. I cannot finish it tomorrow morning."


Duan Jia Xu's smiles preposterously: "Then why didn't you try to find your Ge."

Sang Zhi: "He will not help me."

Duan Jia Xu: "Then you think that I'll help you?"

Then both of them turn silent.

After a while, Sang Zhi speaks up with sobbing tone, she is depressed: "Just help me to do it..... that teacher is very scary. I dare to not do any homework, except that literature homework....."


"Why are you crying now/" Duan Jia Xu is speechless but happy. "Xiao Hai, okay, tomorrow wake up earlier. Go to the school and do it. I will bring it over earlier too for you, okay?"

Sang Zhi starts to sob. "I cannot."

Duan Jia Xu asks: "Why?"

"I, I cannot wake up earlier.... huhuhu....."


No one knows whether Sang Zhi is crying because she is surprised of Duan Jia Xu's estranged attitude or not. Sang Zhi says nothing else but from time to time there's a sobbing from her.

Inside the room, Qian Fei suddenly knocks out his keyboard and roars: "Wow, this is stupid c*nt!"

The next moment, Sang Yan throws his pillow toward Qian Fei: "If you keep on noisy, I'll beat your a**."

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