Chapter 17

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Duan Jia Xu pauses.

The sales assistant's expression turns stiff. "Ah?"

Sang Yan: "Don't act like this. She just looks a bit rough but she is a woman."

After a while, Duan Jia Xu raises his head and looks at him with an affectionate gaze. Then he smiles. "Darling?"

In a flash, Sang Yan has a goosebumps. ".........."

"Why should you explain that much." Duan Jia Xu laughs and pinches his cheek. "You don't need to say it to me, but I understand that in your heart, I'm the most beautiful one."


The sales assistant finds this unusual but she starts to recommend stuff for them. Sang Yan forces himself to act calm. Then he just chooses two boxes for daily and night use.

The time they leave the supermarket. Sang Yan laughs coldly: "you are too disgusting."

Duan Jia Xu raises his eyebrows. "Really?"

Sang Yan: "I almost throw up."

"Didn't you say that I'm a woman?" Duan Jia Xu laughs softly like a foxy seductive man. He says slowly: "I think If I were a woman, I also will be very beautiful right?"


Then both of them go to the lingerie area to buy an underwear for Sang Zhi. Sang Yan chooses a box and goes to pay up.

Duan Jia Xu reminds him. "We should buy clothes too for her."

Sang Yan just responds: "It even ruins her clothes?"

Duan Jia Xu just says "Em."

Sang Yan nods and asks nothing else.

They both to the clothing area for women then Sang Yan looks around. He notices clothes that should be Sang Zhi's size. Before he takes it, Duan Jia Xu suddenly points at a dress. "Just buy this one."

Sang Yan looks at it. The size is okay.

The color is almost the same as what Sang Zhi wears today.

Sang Yan doesn't ask for the reason, he doesn't care about that. He just takes it and buys it.

Then two of them go to the restroom.

Sang Yan then calls a woman, who is about to get inside the restroom. "Hello, could you bring this for a little woman called Sang Zhi?"

The woman is startled. "Okay."

Sang Yan: "Thank you."

The time the woman is about to get in, Duan Jia Xu adds: "Oh right, she is a bit young, maybe she doesn't understand about this."


Duan Jia Xu strokes his nape and says. "Could you please teach her for a while about this? She is shy, she might have any courage to ask."

The woman understands and smiles. "No problem."


Sang Zhi has waited for a while in the restroom.

The restroom is designed very well, there are few chairs to sit down. But she doesn't dare to sit down, she is afraid to ruin the chair.

She is embarrassed to call Duan Jia Xu to ask him to speed up, so she can only wait for him while standing up.

After ten minutes.

A skinny tall unfamiliar woman comes inside the room. She looks around and then notices Sang Zhi. She approaches her: "Xiao Mei Mei, are you Sang Zhi?"

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