Chapter 32

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It's a silence for a while.

Sang Zhi's heartbeat starts to turn normal. She feels bored. She starts to chat with Duan Jia Xu. "Ge Ge, where does my Ge go?"

Duan Jia Xu: "He seems to accompany someone to go to the interview."

"Ah?" Sang Zhi thinks about it. "The interview for a job?"


"Isn't my Ge Ge at his third year? Why should he find job now?"

"Internship." Duan Jia Xu says: "If the internship doesn't affect our schedule, it'll be okay."

Sang Zhi: "Oh."

She asks: "Then Ge Ge, aren't you going to do internship?"

"Em, this semester I still have classes."

"Then when are you planning to have one?"

"Next semester, perhaps when I get to the fourth year."

"Will you find it near the school?"

"No." Duan Jia Xu says: "I'll find it near my home."

The wind touches her face. Sang Zhi feels a bit hollow. "Ge Ge, you don't plan to stay at Nan Wu?"

"Em." Duan Jia Xu smiles. "Ge Ge should go home."

Sang Zhi: "Oh."

After a while.

Sang Zhi asks again: "Ge Ge, when are you planning to go home?"

"Em? Why are you asking so much questions today?" But he doesn't sound impatient. He answers slowly: "I'm looking at the situation first, I haven't planned it well."

San Zhi is afraid that she will make him unhappy. She asks cautiously. "Will you go home before the turn of the year?"

Duan Jia Xu: "No."


Why isn't he going home for the New Year...

Sang Zhi is puzzled but she doesn't dare to ask so much questions.

Without realizing, they have arrived at her apartment building. Duan Jia Xu stops the bicycle and looks at her. He asks her. "Could you go up by yourself?"

Sang Zhi nods and says: "Thank you Ge Ge." And is about to get inside.

Duan Jia Xu calls after her. "Wait for a while."

Sang Zhi stops and turns her head.

She watches Duan Jia Xu walks toward her. He bends his body and puts something on her pocket.

The time she is about to take it out, Duan Jia Xu pinches her cheek lightly and shifts her attention. He reminds her: "Go home and remember to tell your Pa Ma."


The time she arrives home, it's a dinner time.

Sang Zhi mentions what happened to her parents and makes both of them feel surprised.

Li Ping immediately contacts Lao Shi. Sang Rong asks her for the detail and calms her mood down. He asks her to not to be afraid.

Sang Zhi indeed doesn't feel afraid, she nods. She finishes her dinner and returns to her bedroom. She gets ready to do her homework. The time she is about to take it out, she remembers wha she did before. She strokes her pocket.

It seems like a paper?

Sang Zhi takes it out.

It's a twenty dollar.

It is old and wrinkled paper money. It's clear it's not hers. It seems like he is giving her twenty dollar to make it seems she isn't being blackmailed. It's his way to comfort her.

Sang Zhi looks at it for a while and jumps on her bed. She rolls herself with the blanket. Her face is blushed. Then she puts out her head.

She looks at the ceiling and laughs.

She stands up and straightens out the paper. Then she presses it into her sketchbook. Then takes out her phone to find Duan Jia Xu's phone number.

She notices that his phone number shows that he is from Yi He City.

Sang Zhi has heard about that place though she never goes there. She thinks about it and starts to browse about that city. She just finds out that it needs three hours from Nan Wu to Yi He.

It's a bit far.

Sang Zhi hesitates and looks for an university there.

She looks around at her table and notices a star paper. She takes one and sits up. She writes on the paper.

— "In the future I'll not play again with Yan Zhen Ru."


She folds it quickly to a star and throws it into a milk glass. Then she takes out another paper. This time she writes it slowly.

After a while.

That milk bottle becomes her record.

She puts it again.

During her puberty, it's her greatest secret.

— "Though I don't really want to admit it, but I seem to start liking someone."


Liking your Ge Ge's friend, a man that seven years older than her.

At her first awakening of love as a young girl.

The next day after the school ends.

Sang Zhi as usual stays inside her classroom to do her homework. When Sang Yan comes up to pick her home. This time she doesn't need to wait till 05:00 p.m. At 04:30 p.m., Sang Zhi notices Sang Yan.

This time he also bring his other two roommates.

One is Duan Jia Xu, the other one is Chen Jun Wen.

It seems like he is picking him up to scrape together enough people to play Mahjong.

Sang Zhi tidies up her things quickly and walks toward Sang yan. She peeks at Duan Jia Xu and then looks at Sang Yan again. She asks: "Ge Ge, why are you taking people to pick me up today?"

Sang Yan darts a look at her: "Last night those people who blackmailed you yesterday, they ask you to come over today right?"

Sang Zhi nods: "Why?"

"Take us there."


To be Continued

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