Chapter 22: Sport Fest

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Duan Jia Xu smiles:" Why are you suddenly turning so polite and formal?"

Sang Zhi says honestly: "My Papa said that if you do something wrong, you should admit it."

"Who said that you do something wrong?"

"I feel that my question makes you unhappy." Sang Zhi says. "This is my mistake."

"It's okay, I'm okay." Duan Jia Xu strokes her head. "Take this and buy candies."

Sang Zhi places her hands on her back. "I don't like candies."

"Then just buy anything you like." Duan Jia Xu stares at her bright eyes. "The time Ge Ge really turns pour and cannot work anymore, I will come over and borrow you money. Okay?"

She gets on the bus and chooses to sit near the window. She looks at Duan Jia Xu outside the bus. She then looks at the money inside her bag.

She zips her bag with low spirit.

The bus starts moving. The sky is in scarlet red color.

Sang Zhi touches the window and draws word "Duan" on the window and quickly wipes it clean.

She feels dispirited.

Is it because of the older someone is, they would worry more?

But she doesn't feel that she is old.

Duan Jia Xu isn't that old too.


There unexpected encounter is that summer. It's the last time she met Duan Jia Xu. For the next following month, Sang Zhi joins a summer class for painting, she also starts to do her summer vacation homework.

She starts to be busy.

Sang Zhi never asks Sang Yan about Duan Jia Xu, she also never takes initiative to contact him. She doesn't know whether he goes home or not during the summer holiday. She also doesn't know whether he is working hard to earn money.

Yet she buys a money box in secret.

She secretly saves her allowance there.

She doesn't know whether it will be useful or not but she just does it.

When the first semester of 2nd year of junior middle school starts.

The examination to choosing the class starts, Sang Zhi does it normally. She enters the best class so most of her classmates are unfamiliar with her. Her friends are divided into different classes.

She is in the same class as Fu Zheng Chu.

After the class changes, Yan Zhen Ru doesn't look for Sang Zhi to play again.

Sang Zhi isn't someone that takes initiative so they don't really communicate and interact anymore. She is more independent person so she doesn't mind it.

Time flies so fast, in just a blink it has passed the end of October.

The Xu Ri middle school starts to prepare for sport activities. They lend the sport facilities of Nan Wu University. Sang Zhi has no interest in sport but because in the class there are only few female students, her homeroom teacher asks her to register.

Sang Zhi is unwilling but she registers to join a broad jump competition.

Their class also spends money to have their own uniform. The uniform is designed by Chen Ming Xu. He doesn't accept anyone opinion and just designs the uniform to have a sunflower in the middle of the uniform. It looks gaudy.

It's the most unrefined uniform Sang Zhi has ever seen.

During the sport activities day.

Sang Zhi feels so embarrassed so she just changes her clothes the time she arrives at school. Then she follows the team to go to Nan Wu university.

Except helping Sang Yan moving in to the university dorm, this is the second time for her to come here so she doesn't feel unfamiliar.

Those boys who aren't joining the competition, just standing there and plays the games. Sang Zhi watches them and finally she hears that the broad jumping competition will start soon.

Except lending their sport facilities, Nan Wu University also prepares volunteers to help the event to run smoothly.

Sang Zhi meets her Ge when she is at the registration desk.

Sang Yan is sitting there. When he notices her, he smiles and acts a bit odious. "Tong Xue (Student), you seem to not conform to the qualification to join. Just go home."

Sang Zhi tries to remain calm. "How could you say that I'm not conforming to the qualification?"

"Your height is insufficient."

"I never hear that if you want to do a long jump you should be at certain height."

Sang Yan says: "But you couldn't do it when you even are not one hundred twenty centimeter." He says it and then pokes the other person, who is sleeping on his side. "Right? Brother."


Sang Zhi: "Sang yan is a dog, a black and ugly one."

Sang Zhi is provoked by Sang Yan's words. She doesn't notice who is the person Sang Yan asking.

"How could I am not a hundred and twenty?" Sang Zhi starts to argue. "I am one hundred fifty five centimeter, how could I not reach one hundred twenty?"

"You are one hundred fifty five? Then Tong Xue, you look very short."


"Okay, in the future please tell us in advance. If not we can easily mistaken."


Perhaps she should tell everyone that she is one hundred fifty five centimeter?

It's too showy.

"You should take a look at your number on your uniform and match it with the one on the list? Is it right?" Sang Yan starts to push the person who is sitting next to him. "Don't sleep anymore, brother, wake up and help me."

That person just raises up his head and Sang Zhi looks at him.

That man looks tired.

After few months of not meeting, Sang Zhi notices that his hair has grown longer a bit.

He is still look like an evil spirit and sexy.

Duan Jia Xu sits up and leans on his chair. "Em?"

To be Continued

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