Chapter 76: Novel 58

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It's clear that Duan Jia Xu doesn't expect that she would make that kind of excuses. Duan Jia Xu is startled but in a short moment he just laughs like this thing is too absurd: "What?"

Sang Zhi just realizes that her words are too naive and stupid, supposedly she is too sleepy that she couldn't think too clearly. She is embarrassed. She turns silent, she tries to stand up.

Noticing Sang Zhi's action, Duan Jia Xu bends his waist and holds her wrist. He helps her to stand up. The time she stands up, he holds her waist and hugs her.

Sang Zhi raises up her head and feels so nervous. She fists her hand and places it on his chest. She could feel his sturdy chest.

She feels so unnatural and tries to take steps back. "What are you doing?"

Duan Jia Xu seduces her openly. "You like to feel excited?"


The sky spins and the earth goes round. In an instant Sang Zhi just leans on the bed. She lifts her head and faces Duan Jia Xu's lips. The bed is soft, one of his hand is on her back so she doesn't feel any pain.

Because of this sudden action, her mind is blank. For a moment, she couldn't understand him.

Duan Jia Xu is still smiling: "Em?"

Sang Zhi blinks slowly and just regains herself. She takes a deep breath and kicks him. She is furious "Duan Jia Xu!"

He doesn't be affected by her, his lips stick close to her ear. He says lowly: "Let us excite each other for a while?"


Sang Zhi's breath is rushed. In a moment, her neck till her face turn blushing red. She feels so hot. She feels that her heart is beating so fast that it would come out of her body. She tries hard to control herself and looks at him.

He doesn't press her down, he just uses his hand to support his body.

Sang Zhi straightens her lips and extends her leg. She kicks him.

There is a large difference of strength between man and woman, Duan Jia Xu raises his eyebrows but he doesn't struggle. He just lets her kick her till he falls on her side.

Sang Zhi sits up and bites her lips. "Why are you act like a rogue!"

Duan Jia Xu leans on his side and says: "If we are together, how could you say that I act like a rogue?"


Indeed it's not really true.

Moreover he basically doesn't do anything too over.

Sang Zhi doesn't bicker with him anymore, she just rubs her forehead and gets off the bed.

Noticing her action, Duan Jia Xu pulls her back. He looks at the red bruise on her forehead: "You bumped something?"

She points to the edge of the bed and says lowly: "I accidentally bumped that."

Duan Jia Xu: "Is it hurt"

Sang Zhi shakes her head. "Not really."

"Tell me, why were you laying on the floor?" Duan Jia Xu says.

Sang Zhi answers honestly: "I suddenly felt so sleepy."

Duan Jia Xu: "The why didn't you sleep on the bed?"

"I said those words to you. I am afraid that you would think that I just want to ignore you." Sang Zhi says worriedly. 'But I really want to revise. Tomorrow afternoon I'll have an exam, I want to get a good mark."

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