Chapter 86: Novel 68

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Sang Zhi doesn't know what happened between these two men, she also doesn't know why Qian Fei is so furious. She could only try to shift the topic of conversation.

"Qian Fei Ge, why are you the one that picking us up? Where is my Ge?"

Qian Fei just suppress his anger: "Your Ge has something to do."

Sang Zhi nods and asks nothing else.

Three of them exit the airport and get on Qian Fei's car.

Sang Zhi is sensible so she sits down on the backseat, Duan Jia Xu gets on the front passenger seat. Sang Zhi opens up her phone and continues to find a hotel for Duan Jia Xu. She finds one and sends the link to his WeChat.

This time it's already early morning 01:00 a.m., but Sang Zhi is not sleepy because she slept when she was on the plane.

The radio is on and playing a soft music, Duan Jia Xu and Qian Fei are chatting. Perhaps because Qian Fei is worried that Sang Zhi would feel awkward, he doesn't mention about the relationship between Sang Zhi and Duan Jia Xu.

After forty minutes, the car stops in front of Sang Zhi's apartment.

Duan Jia Xu also gets off the car and says something to her. He watches her disappears and gets on the car. He fastens his seatbelt again and hears Qian Fei asks: "Ay, where would you live?"

Duan Jia Xu looks at his phone and says a hotel's name.

Qian Fei: "Why are you reserved a hotel, you should stay at my house."

"Forget it." Duan Jia Xu smiles: "It's inappropriate."

"Why is it inappropriate? But it's right." Qian Fei laughs, "Letting you hearing something for a week, it wouldn't be great. Oh right, I heard from Sang Yan that moved to another place?"

Duan Jia Xu: "Em."

Qian Fei frowns and chatters away like an old grandma. "How many times have you move these several years? You should just buy one and settle down? If not, you want to bring your money to the coffin?"

"I don't want to stay at one place for a long time, I also don't plan to stay at Yi He forever." He says: "Speak of this matter, could you help me to go and take a look around Nan Wu, whether there is a newly-built apartment, just around this area."

Qian Fei is startled: "Nan Wu?"


"You plan to return back here?" Qian Fei seems to understand his action, "Because of Sang Zhi?"

Duan Jia Xu smiles and says "Em, Xiao Gu Niang is "tied to home"."

"I'll help you to ask around later on." Qian Fei says: "But, are you sure? How about your work? Haven't you invested your energy and idea for that company? You also have grown a lot there, how about your contract with them?"

Duan Jia Xu doesn't answer his long questions, he suddenly says: "Recently, I'm considering a matter."

Qian Fei: "What?"

The car arrives in front of the front lobby of the hotel, Duan Jia Xu doesn't say anything more. He unfastens his seatbelt and opens up the car door. He says: "Its nothing, I am still considering."


Sang Zhi is afraid to disturb Sang Rong and Li Ping so she moves cautiously. She takes off her shoes slowly, she even doesn't wear her own slipper. She doesn't turn on the light and just uses the light of her phone to go to her room.

Sang Zhi thinks that she is moving cautiously, but at last Li Ping still wakes up. She just closes her door, but in a next moment, Li Ping opens up the door.

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