Chapter 47: Season 2

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Sang Zhi starts to reduce her frequency to be in touch with Duan Jia Xu.

He still sends her gift for every festivals. For every examinations, he will also ask her about the result. Sang Zhi will reply him, but she will not answer his call.

The time he asks about it, she will use an excuse "she is too busy" and mislead him.

On the festival days or his birthday, Sang Zi will take initiative to send her a message. After all, this man really fonds of her like his own Mei Mei.

She couldn't completely make him disappear.

She also couldn't cease of contact with him.

Sang Zhi never asks for news about Duan Jia Xu, she also blocks him from her Moments (A part of Wechat, where someone will post photos, music's, or links). She puts all her energy on her study. At grade 11, she chooses join science department, she also registers to join board at school. She is so busy that she even forgets to bring her phone.

Her achievement is so great that puts her in advanced position.

Her features are developing and changing too. Her chin has changed to be more pointy. Her eyes are big and bright. Her skin is milky white, her lips are rosy. The time she smiles, her dimples will be shown. She is cute and beautiful.

She has a skinny body and now she is hundred and sixty five centimeters.

Sang Zhi is popular in her school. Because of her beauty, some people thinks that she is the muse of the school. Her homeroom teacher always praises her to everyone.

Because of this, a lot of people knows about her as female scholar-lord.

She always gets a full mark for physics.

She has great marks and looks so pretty.

She turns to the 'goddess' of the school.

Sang Zhi frequently notices unfamiliar people send her bottles of milk or snacks. On her drawer, there are lots of love letter. The time she returns to her dorm, sometimes male students will stop her and confess.

She always refuses and returns all the things. After a while, thing is calming down.

During her Grade 12, a sport student starts to pursue her. Every time when the sport is done, he will come and give her a lot of snacks. After the evening class, he will come and pick her up.

She doesn't want to mind her. Yet at a moment, she notices that this man's voice and tone are similiar with Duan Jia Xu. So she doesn't decline firmly to him.

After two weeks.

The sport male student confesses his feeling to her.

His voice sounds like Duan Jia Xu. But his tone is nervous.

Sang Zhi never hears Duan Jia Xu says words with that tone.

That time she just realizes that based on Duan Jia Xu's teaching, she shouldn't do hurtful thing. She seriously rejects him.

She feels that she is too bad at falling in love.

When she likes someone, it's hard for her to like another person.

She shouldn't be with someone just because he resembles the man that she likes. She shouldn't take him as a substitute.

Thinking about Duan Jia Xu, she seems to not feel that sad. Because from her few memories of him him, the gloomy one is only one; their last meeting.

The other memories are bright and brings colors to her life.

It's lively and beautiful.


On June, Sang Zhi's college entrance examination result is out. She has a steady and great mark. She could enter any university she wants.

Her family wishes that she could register to Nan Wu University, they don't wish her to go far away.

Sang Zhi considers for long time. At last, she registers to Yi He University.

Her thinking is different from before. The only reason is she wants to sign up for mass-media art department. This department is ranked better at Yi He university.

When she registers there, Sang Zhi doesn't bring too many suitcases. She just brings her backpack and a suitcase.

At first Sang Rong wanted Sang Yan to accompany her but Sang Zhi feels it is unnecessary. She tries to convince them that she could do it by herself and they let her go over by herself.

Sang Yan says to let Duan Jia Xu picks her up but Sang Zhi also declines.

She says that it's been a long time since their last meeting. She doesn't feel good to trouble him.

Sang Zhi gets off the plane and goes out of the airport. She takes the bus, which specifically for the new students coming to Yi He university. Under the leading of seniors she could finish all the administration by herself. She registers herself, takes a key to the dorm and buys her necessities.

She greets her roommates and starts to be familiar with them.

She joins the military training and after that she starts to take class. She also joins the mass organization activities. She is living her dream. She does everything, except one thing.

Her previous motive to come to Yi He.

It seems in process, it turns out to become unimportant thing.


In the middle of October, Sang Zhi's roommate has a birthday. So she and a group of people take a metro to seafood restaurant to have a meal. Because it's still early, they decide to go to nearby KTV to sing.

Tomorrow it is Saturday so there is no curfew.

Compared with singing, they are drinking more.

Sang Zhi stays away from it, but still she is poured several glasses.

The small room consists of more than people. Sang Zhi is getting flush from drinking easily. Very quickly she feels hot and depressed. She feels it's too noisy and annoying. She makes an excuse to go to the restroom and runs outside to breath freely.

Except the front door, this KTV also has a small door. She goes out of the small door to a passageway. It is connected to the nearby supermarket and KFC.

The air outside is a bit cool but it is cozy.

The light on the passageway seems to be broken as it keeps on flashing.

Sang Zhi leans on the fence and wants to take her phone out of her pocket to play. But she notices something additional on her pocket.

She doesn't hold it tight so it falls down to the ground.

She looks over and notices it is a lady's cigarette box.

Sang Zhi wants to go over and picks it up, but suddenly she notices a man is standing nearby the cigarette. He is wearing a simple white shirt.

From her point of view, she could see that man's side-face. That man is leaning on the wall and smoking.

She feels that he looks familiar.

Yet she doesn't want to guess.

She thinks that that cigarette box should be her roommate's, she puts it inside her pocket. She pursues her lis and goes forward two steps and wants to pick it up.

This time, that man moves.

He bends his waist and helps her to pick it up.

Sang Zhi could see his face clearly.

His eyes, evil face.

She watches him looking at the cigarette box and look at her. He raises his eyebrows and says slowly: "Xiao Sang Zhi?"

Just once upon a time in the past.

To Be Continued

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