Chapter 16: Buying Sanitary Pads

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Duan Jia Xu lets Qian Fei goes first to take a table for them.

Then he looks at the sign. He says: "Xiao Hai, do you bring a feminine napkin?"

Sang Zhi is silent for a while, "No."

"Then you go to the restroom first and take a look if there's one inside." Duan Jia Xu thinks about it and says again: "If there's none then send Ge Ge a message. Ge Ge will help you to buy it. Then I'll ask a Jie Jie (woman) to bring it inside for you, okay?"

They both follow the sign.

Sang Zhi shakes her head and feels unease. "I can go alone."

"I let you go alone?" Duan Jia Xu asks her. "It's your first time to come here right? If you get lose and your Ge finds me, who should I ask to find you?"

Sang Zhi says: "But I have phone?"

Duan Jia Xu smiles. "How could you talk a lot to go to the restroom?"

Sang Zhi just shuts up.

When the restroom is ten meters in front of them, Duan Jia Xu stops. "Go."

Sang Zhi looks at him and goes inside the restroom silently. Luckily there're only few people there. She goes to one of the toilet cubicles and lifts up her skirt. She takes off her shorts and underwear.

Indeed it's like what she is thinking.

There's a pole of blood on her underwear. Her black short is wet. Sang Zhi's expression turns serious. She looks at her dress.

Today she is wearing a blue dress. She notice that a part of the dress looks a bit darker.

Sang Zhi feels like she is falling apart.

She wants to go upstair to the supermarket to buy a feminine napkin but she has no money. But she also has no way to talk to Duan Jia Xu about this. She feels it'll be too awkward.

She feels like her world is crumbling apart. Sang Zhi is startled for a while. After a while she tries to make a decision. She takes a pile of tissues and pads it on her underwear.

Then she comes out of the restroom.

Duan Jia Xu is still there and looking at his phone.

He looks at her and puts his phone back inside his pocket.

"Ge Ge." Sang Zhi is hesitating. "You can go up first. I'll wait for my Ge and go up with him."

Duan Jia Xu: "Your Ge is upstairs now."

Her last hope has vanished.

Sang Yan lowers her head. "..... OH, then let's go."

Feeling her abnormality today, Duan Jia Xu is somewhat confused. "Xiao Hai what happened to you today?"

Eating out today is her most regrettable decision.

Her first period comes in the day she is with three adult men.

No one understands her.

She accepts Duan Jia Xu's short lesson and walks in front silently.

Duan Jia Xu cannot make it out what happened to this kid. He thinks that might be she is in a bad mood so he doesn't mind it too much. The time he is about to keep pace with him. His gaze looks at....

This time.

He just pays attention that there's a strange color on her skirt.


He just links everything together. Duan Jia Xu scratches his skin and immediately holds her arm. He considers and asks. "Are you having a stomachache?"

Sang Zhi stops walking and pursues her lips. Her eyes are red. She lowers her head again once more. She says nothing

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