Chapter 100: Novel 82

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Everyone feels that this thing is too early to be discussed, it's not till the part to consider a lot of factors.

Sang Zhi is still young.

They haven't been together for so long.

There might be a change in the future. Maybe in years later, it wouldn't be the same situation. Perhaps halfway, something will happen.

Maybe it would create a situation where they would break up.

But after Duan Jia Xu be with Sang Zhi, he never considers that they would break up.

Since the first day of their relationship, he keeps on considering their future.

Duan Jia Xu recalls that day Sang Zhi laid down on his back, her tears poured down. She said to him: "Why I'm still a nineteen years old? Why couldn't I be twenty nine years old. I don't want to be so young."

That should be that time.

She should know that her parents disapprove their relationship.

Yet she should be worried that it would affect his mood if he knows about it so she just keeps it to herself. Let herself be sad alone. Let herself try hard to change her parents' mind.

The day she knows that Sang Rong said something to him, she comforted him and she should feel helpless yet she said to him to not be unhappy.

Because of that matter, she kept on let her imagination run away with one. She worried that he would give up because of this so she came back to Yi He in advance. At the airport, she cried and revealed her secret. She told everything to him.

She hopes that he wouldn't feel inferior because of it.

She hopes that he could know how great he is, that he is worthy for her long years of crush.

What a great Sang Zhi.

For everything she does, first she would consider him.

No matter it is in the past or no, though she is younger than him, though it's him that should take care of her, yet she always be his armor and protects him behind her body.

Duan Jia Xu doesn't hope that Sang Zhi would feel dilemmatic between him and her parents.

He wants to solve this matter.

No matter it's sooner or later.

The atmosphere in the narrow living room turns silence.

Duan Jia Xu lowers his head and mocks himself silently. He feels it's hard t bear, he starts to think what else he could do if the parents aren't agreeing.

This seems to be his everything.

Sang Rong considers for a while and finally speaks up: "The apartment would be only on Zhi Zhi's name?"

It breaks the silence, Duan Jia Xu releases his breath and nods.


Sang Yan is stupefied by Duan Jia Xu's words. He tries to straighten up the way of thinking. He speaks: "Wait for a while, Pa, are you trying to bully him?"

"......" Li Ping suddenly slaps his thigh: "What are you talking about!"

"Could we be a bit reasonable?" Sang Yan says, "It can't be true, how could I never see it. Are you guys people that hold the belief of 'well-matched in social and economic status for marriage? Ma, the time you introduced me to a woman, how could you not mind about their economic status, you said that you would accept anyone as long as it's a woman?"

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