Chapter 34

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From her view, this man is quite handsome. But in essence, he looks like a devil. He is clearly is laughing but he is terrifying.

He stops before his hand touches his face. He just shakes his cigarette to let the cigarette ash falls on her cloth. He then stands up and says gently: "Are you scared?"


That red-haired female student takes a step back and her tears start to fall down.

"Don't say anything else." Duan Jia Xu laughs: "It's quite terrifying right?"


They go out of the alley.

Sang Yan puts his both hands inside his trousers' pocket. He follows behind Duan Jia Xu. "Bro, recently you are really good at scaring people. I even feel a bit scared."

Duan Jia Xu: "Really?"

"Have you ever heard of a proverb?" Sang Yan says: "Your laughter hides a watermelon knife."


"Also." Sang Yan remembers something to say. He sneers. "Why my Mei just turns to your family's Xiao Hai? Then wouldn't you be my Pa?"

Duan Jia Xu says casually: "Okay ah."


"I don't mind."

"Go away."

Both of them then notice both Chen Jun Wen and Sang Zhi are standing together and enjoying their strawberries.

Sang Zhi notices both of them. She just swallows a big strawberry. This time her cheeks are full with them. She couldn't say anything.

Chen Jun Wen speaks up first. "You guys found them?"

Sang Yan: "Em."

Chen Jun We starts to speak up like a machine gun. "Then what are you doing? You scared them right? How did you scare them? Tell me, tell me! I'm so curious!"

"I said that this month I killed more than ten people." Sang Yan says lazily. "This month I have reached my quota. I will come again to kill you next month."

"......" Chen Wen Jun is speechless. "Who are you lying too?"

"You ah."

Chen Wen Jun is furious, he rolls his eyes at Sang Yan. Then he looks at Duan Jia Xu and tries to get an answer from him. "Lao Xu, could you satisfy my curiosity?"

"Em?" Duan Jia Xu just laughs: "Why should I satisfy you?"

"..." Chen Wen Jun is almost choking. He points at him. "Our little friend is here, why should you say that indecent remark! Aren't you feeling shameless!"

Hearing their words, Sang Zhi is silent. She is thinking what indecent remark is.

Is it word that sounds erotic?

What is so erotic about those words?"

Isn't it sound normal?

But she approves Chen Wen Jun's words that Duan Jia Xu is shameless.

Duan Jia Xu looks at Sang Zhi and smiles. "Xiao Peng You, why are you eating like this?"

Sang Zhi: "?"

He finds it find funny. "You are like a pufferfish?"

Sang Zhi immediately swallows everything into her stomach and licks her lips. She says: "You are the pufferfish."

"Just like that?" Duan Jia Xu points at her hand and jokes: "Then give me one? Ge Ge will show you how does handsome pufferfish look like."


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