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𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒

𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒••••CHAPTER THREE ++

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He stood there next to the bookshelf dragging his fingers along the books.

"I... um... hello " I hate myself when I stutter.

"Are you still open " He has an accent.

He turns to face me.


He looks like a Greek God. His voice was deep. I can see the tattoos running up his hands, arm, and chest along with veins beginning from his hands up to his arms. I can see the outlines of his muscles through his clothing. His skin was tan, and his dark raven hair touched his shoulders which also dangled from his face. His massive muscular figure was almost taller than the bookshelves. Maybe 6'3 or 4.

If I stand by him, I'll probably be the size of an ant. I couldn't say anything I just stared.

"You still open" He spoke again making sure I heard him.

Speak Philo. "Y..es sir we're open till 1 am "I smile and head behind the counter.

His eyes darken. He starts heading towards the counter.

Making me get a better look at him.

"Espresso" His eyes scan me following each curve of my body. He didn't even glance at the menu only me.

"That'll be all sir?" I finally dare to look him in the eyes.

His dark gray eyes are almond-shaped. His face was perfectly structured. Looks like we have a bad boy here... no bad Philo focus. I kept finding myself looking at his tattoos "I... I like your tattoos." I look up at him.

He nods. Does talk a lot I see it's okay I wouldn't talk to strangers. Okay, perhaps only a slight.

I start the coffee. I can feel his eye burning the back of my head.

I handed it to him. "That'll b...be $6.80"

He handed me a hundred-dollar bill. " Keep the change" He turns and walks out the door. 

I saw him get into the back of the SUV and drive off. That just happened right?

I notice the truck pulling in.


"Have a goodnight miss " The delivery man says and walks out. He's nice. He has no eyebrows perhaps he wanted to try something new.

I start looking through the boxes. I smile when I noticed one of my childhood books.

"It's time for bed Minnie," Nana says as she stands next to my bed waiting for me.

I climb on the bed as she tucks me in and kisses my forehead. "Story Nana" I frown hoping she'll say yes.

"Mm, good idea, how about we read one of your mother's favorite books." she grabs the book from the shelf.

"The Adventures of Maya the Bee" I smile.

"Your mother wouldn't let me go a night without reading it." Nana smiles at the book and starts reading.

"Philo you okay? " Owen touch my shoulder.

Owen's gingered hair came into view along with his forest green eyes and light freckles. He gets his features from his mother.

"Y... yeah, I didn't notice you came in"

"Yeah, I was just checking on you" His head turns to look at the boxes. "Oh the truck came"

"Yep, he just left...  c..come ... come " I giggle and grab his hand and pull him with me. "Hold on there Philo" he laughs. " It's getting pretty late how about we look through it tomorrow" He still held my hand. "B...but I have been waiting all day" I pout

His eyes fill with sympathy. "I know Philo.... how about we also go to the shop tomorrow and I'll let you pick out my next tattoo... how about that?" A smile formed on my face "Ok."

He kisses my cheek. "You ready?"  

"Let me grab my things and say bye to Mr. Sims"

He nods. I head upstairs to Mr. Sims "Goodnight sims be good o..k" he purrs. I head back downstairs and look under the front counter to grab my things

"O..okay, now I'm ready" I turn the lights off and walk by Owen. I don't like the dark... it's easier for dark memories to creep back in.

Owen turns on the security alarm and locks the door.

We begin walking to his car.

I start feeling tense.

Breathe in breathe out. I keep telling myself over and over again in my head.

He opens the door for me, and I got in.

Breathe in breathe out.

He got in and starts the car.

"You okay? " He turns in and asks.

"PHILO PHILO" I hear going in and out

Blood feels my vision. 

"The window!" a voice yells from the distance. I felt glass cutting my legs and arms.

"M..mama" my voice cracks.

"I GOT HER!" someone said as they pull me out of the burning car. "I got you... I got you it's okay"

"Just open your eyes for me... open your eyes."

"Open your eyes Philo" Owen shook my arm.

I open my eyes seeing no flames or blood. Just blurriness from my tears.

"i...I'm sorry..sorry omie" I sob.
"No no you're okay... see " He took my hand and held it to my heart.

Still beating.

"See you feel that your okay let's get you home." His hand leaves mine as he starts driving.


Hello, that's it for chapter 3 most of my chapters will be long because that's how I like it *not like that, you naughty naughty*. It mostly depends on if I change my mind. Philomena calls him Omie, she called him that the first time they met. She's a sub so please don't talk about how she acts; most people will say she's a little but she's just her.

Tell me, what's your favorite coffee?

Till we meet again my loves

~~Till we meet again my loves

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