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"Fuck you!" He cries out spitting blood on the ground. "Come on Johnson," I roll the cuffs of my sleeves. "Be a good boy and just tell me where the fuck you put it."

He looks away at an random spot on the wall. This bastard. I grab his hair yanking his head back. "Eyes on me," he looks straight at me fear in his eyes. "There we go now. Tell. Me. Where."

I never had fuck ups not until sweet boy Johnson here decided to take my shipments.

"Come on man, I... I didn't mean it.. it was just a—" I punch him across the face sending a tooth to fall on the ground and causing him to cry.

Now that's a pretty sight to see. "I used it! I wanted to get high with some friends. I didn't know sir I thought if I just took a little it'll be fine. But it turned into more than a little and it got out of control." For Christ's sake, he should know never to get high off your supply. He's just a kid, 19 but he should know better. I had to learn the hard way.

The door ones and Wyatt comes in.

"Aelius." He knows to bother me unless it's about my wife. I let go of his hair giving my attention to Wyatt.

"We have a rat and it seems like we already caught it. Johnson, do you want to share I should?" I turn back to Johnson seeing him nearly close to shitting himself.

He stays quiet.

"He's been giving some of the shipment dates out to the best buyer." Fucking Johnson.

"Sir please I had to. I needed more money if you'll just—" I cut him off by wiping the gun across his face five times. I spit on the ground clocking my gun.

His face is fucked up not a pretty sight at all.

"Merda! You stupid fucking kid. I'm doing you a favor." I hold the gun up to his forehead and the shot rings in my ear but I ignore it.

I walk back towards the door. "Find out who the buyers are. Find them and kill them. No loose ends." He nods stepping out of my way. I walk to my office to get the blood off before I go home.

It's been a shitty day and I just want to go home to my wife.

We don't know the gender yet of the baby because she wants it to be a surprise. I'm fine with that anything my wife wants she gets.

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