Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn (Part 2)

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-The Dining Hall- (Nicole's POV)

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-The Dining Hall-
(Nicole's POV)

After my and Hope's talk with Emma, I went to the dining hall and grabbed a Coke and a croissant. As I walked through the school, taking a bite out of my snack, I saw the Saltzman Twins coming towards me.

Lizzie: Well, at least someone is getting ready for the game. *notices the soda in Nicole's hand* What the hell are you drinking?! *yanks the can right out of my hand, throwing it to the side*

Nicole: *eyes widen in confusion* Uh, apparently nothing now.

Lizzie: *shoots her an annoyed glare* It's game day. We need you in top condition!

Nicole: *scoffs* Why? So we can lose on purpose twice as hard? Besides, your dad told me I can't play today.

Lizzie: *agitated* What?

Josie: How come?

Girl's Voice: Because Miss Tribrid Wonder lost her temper and banged up a townie car.

We didn't have to turn around to know it was Penelope Park, Josie's ex-girlfriend and the school's bitchiest mean girl.

Lizzie: *disgusted, her arms crossed* My God, don't you have anything better to do than follow us around?

Penelope: I can't help it if I enjoy watching the Saltzman Twins interact with the school freak. One of them, should I say.

Nicole: *steps in front of the twins, glaring deadly at Penelope* Why don't you go find someone else to torment, Penelope?

Penelope: *grins* Cause you three are my favorite.

Nicole: *narrow her eyes at her* Then leave Josette alone. You've put her through enough.

Penelope: *chuckles and looks over at Josie* Replacing me so soon? Funny, I didn't know you were into killers. I guess I should be grateful you just set me on fire and not shred me up like Nicole did her old boy-toy.

My temper was boiling at this point and I was ready to rip Penelope apart as my eyes glowed gold and my werewolf fangs started to show. Until I felt somebody place their hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me. It took me a few seconds to realize it was Josie and Lizzie holding my shoulders, which shocked me completely.

Josie: Just go. *watches Penelope smirk and walk away* Are you okay, Nicole?

Nicole: *calming down* Y-Yeah. *turns around and looks at both of them* Thanks.

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