Mombie Dearest (Part 3)

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Later that Night -School Hallway-

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Later that Night
-School Hallway-

Well, now I can cross "zombies" off my "kill list". I'm joking. I don't have a list, at least, not a big one. Haha.

Hope: *walking beside her sister* How's Josie?

Nicole: She went to take a shower and clean up, but I think she's okay.

Hope: You did good tonight, Sis. *chuckles a little* You losing your temper actually paid off.

Nicole: *chuckles* Yeah, for once.

Hope: So, you going to check on Josie?

Nicole: *shrugs* I don't know. Should I? Or should I give her a little space?

Hope: *gently grabs her arm, making her stop, smiling softly* Do whatever your heart says. Yeah, I know, sounds totally cheesy, but Nic, it's been two years. And yeah, I know it's been the same for me, but we're not the same person. You've always done whatever you wanted and the possibility of love shouldn't stop you from doing just that. Even if it is Josie Saltzman. *uses magic to make a red rose appear in her hand, holding it out towards her sister*

I smirk softly as I take it, walking away from her. Here we go. I'm about to basically ask Josie to be my girlfriend. And honestly, I think I'm happy about that. It'll be nice to have someone again. But as I turn the corner, I stop in my tracks when I see something that just made my heart sink down into my stomach. A few feet away from me, Josie and Penelope were kissing each other passionately, making me frown at the sight of them.

Penelope: *notices Nicole and pulls away from Josie, smirking at her* Looks like Jojo's not into freaks anymore, Mikaelson.

Josie: *turns around, her face filling with horror as she looked at her* Nicole. *eyes widen when she throws down the rose and storms away, going back down the hallway* Nicole, wait! L-Let me explain!

Like hell I'll let her explain. I should be ripping out her heart for breaking mine,...but I won't. Josie continued to chase after me, all the way to my dorm, but I just slammed the door in her face and ignored her. Then she had the nerve to start crying, walking away from the door. She did this to herself! She's the one who decided to suck face with her damn ex! But I sure as hell wasn't going to cry over Josie Saltzman! I'm tired of crying! I want to lose my temper again. I had to. Or else I'll go crazy. Then it finally hit me. The perfect way to let out all my anger, frustration, and yes, my sadness. But I needed help. After changing out of my stupid dress, I left my dorm and went down to hallway to Kaleb's and MG's dorm room. I knocked on the door and Kaleb soon opened it.

Kaleb: Hey, Nicole. I'm actually glad you're here, cause...

Nicole: *cuts him off* Save the half-ass apology, Hawkins. I need your help with something.

Kaleb: Why don't you ask MG? Obviously you ain't mad at him.

Nicole: *stares at him* Because I know he won't do it. Not even for me.

Kaleb: *hears the seriousness in her voice* What do you need?


A Few Minutes Later
-The Woods-
(Richie's POV)

Okay, the party's gotta be over by now. What the hell's taking Nicole so long? I mean, seriously, if she's not here in the next five minutes I'm...

Nicole's Voice: Hey.

Richie: *turns around and sees Nicole standing in front of him* Finally. What took you so long?

Nicole: Cancel the run, Rich. I've got something else in mind.

Something else in mind?

Nicole: *rolls her eyes when she sees his eyes scanning her body* Not that!

Damn it.


A Couple Hours Later
-The Werewolf Cells-
(Alaric's POV)

I was heading down to the basement with Dorian, where we had Gregory Sienna locked up.

Dorian: Do you really think he's gonna talk?

Alaric: *gripping a stake in his hand* He's going to talk whether he likes it or not.

Dorian: Maybe we should've brought Nicole with us.

Alaric: She wasn't in her room. *goes around the corner and his eyes widen when he sees the cell's door was open and Gregory was nowhere to be seen*

Dorian: How the hell did he get out?

Alaric: I'll give you one guess. *storms away, going back upstairs*


-7 Eleven-
(Nicole's POV)

I was walking out of the 7-Eleven just outside of Mystic Falls, drinking a blue raspberry and cherry slurpee and carrying a grocery bag of drinks and snacks. As I went back over to my car, which was being filled with fuel by Kaleb, I started hearing banging noises coming from the trunk.

Kaleb: He's been doing that the last couple minutes.

Nicole: *nods and goes over to the trunk, setting the bag on the roof of her car. After using magic to unlock the trunk, she opens it and smirks wickedly down at Gregory. She watches him mumble something angrily against the duct tape covering his mouth, thrashing against the ropes binding his wrists and ankles* You're really going to need to be quiet. Wouldn't want anyone hearing you. *waves her hand, using magic* Ad somnum. *chuckles when he falls asleep, shutting the trunk and grabbing the bag. She walks over to the driver's side and gets in, shutting the door* I think I got enough to last us a few hours. *hands the bag to Richie, who was sitting beside me in the passenger's seat*

Richie: As long as you got my twinkies, I don't care. *digs through the bag*

Kaleb: *gets back into the car, shutting the door. He leans forward from the backseat* So, either of you going to tell me where we're taking Count Doucheula?

Nicole: *puts the key back into the ignition* Home. *turns on the engine and drives away*

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