See You in Hell, Darling (Part 4; Own Chapter)

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Later that Night -Nicole's Bedroom-(Nicole's POV)

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Later that Night
-Nicole's Bedroom-
(Nicole's POV)

I was sitting on my bed in my old room, at The Abattoir. After the night I just had, it was nice to be somewhere I felt safe. While I was brushing my freshly shampood hair, I heard a knock on my doorframe.

Nicole: *smiles when she saw it was Marcel* Hey.

Marcel: *smiles back as he walks into her bedroom* Hey, how you feeling?

Nicole: *shrugs* Okay. I mean, tonight's not the worst night I've ever had. I'm just glad it's all over.

Marcel: *nods, sitting on the edge of her bed* Yeah, your friend Kaleb told me why you came down here.

Oh, boy. Here it comes. Marcel's big brother advice.

Nicole: Marcel, before you start, he was going to die anyway. Whatever dark magic brought him back wasn't going to last forever.

Marcel: So, you kidnap him with the intent on torturing him.

Nicole: Ah, but I didn't torture him. He had a painless passing.

Marcel: *looks at her, his expression softening* Nicki, Rebekah and Freya have been worrying about you, after hearing from Elsa about what's been happening at the school.

Nicole: So worried that they've called to check on me?

I love my Auntie Bex and Auntie Frey, but sometimes I think they forget about Hope and I. Granted, Auntie Frey has Little Nik to take care of, but Auntie Bex doesn't have anything to keep her preoccupied.

Marcel: They've been busy.

Nicole: *crosses her arms* They're always busy. So is Uncle Kol. You know, they promised Daddy and Uncle Elijah they'd watch over Hope and I.

Marcel: That's why Daniel and Elsa moved back to Mystic Falls with you guys. I know you wish we could all be together, but it hasn't been that simple.

Nicole: *sighs softly* I know. I just wish things were different.

Marcel: *nods, wrapping his arm around her and hugging her. After placing a kiss on her head, he gets up* You better get some sleep. You'll be leaving early tomorrow.

Nicole: *nods* Okay, Marcel. Goodnight.

Marcel: *smiles softly* Night, Nicki. *goes over to the bedroom door, seeing Richie start walking inside* See you in the morning, Rich. *walks past him*

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