We're Being Punked, Pedro (Part 3)

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About Ten Minutes Later -The Salvatore Boarding School-(Allison's POV)

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About Ten Minutes Later
-The Salvatore Boarding School-
(Allison's POV)

Ally: *driving towards the school* Are you okay, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Oh, I'm great. I'm sticky and humiliated, while my step-cousin drives me in my mortal enemy's car. *says sarcastically*

Ally: Well, at least you're not walking. If I were you, I'd be a little more grateful. *drives past the school gates*

Lizzie: The day I'm grateful for Nicole Mikaelson, is the day you can have me committed.

Ally: *sighs, parking by the entrance* Want me to come in with you?

Lizzie: *opening the door* No, go back to your bestie. *slams the door shut and storms off towards the front doors*

I sigh again and drive away, starting to head back into town.


-Alaric's Office-
(Alaric's POV)

I was in the middle of my research on the knife, trying to figure out what I was reading. As I take a bite of the green apple on my desk, I hear someone knocking on my office door.

Alaric: Now's not a good time.

Emma: *opens the door and walks into the room* When I was brought on, I was told that counseling was mandatory for everyone at school; by you.

Alaric: I've got things to do. I'm gonna have to, uh...rain check therapy.

Emma: Mm. Is that the knife the dragon was chasing? *sees the surprised look on his face* Dorian never misses his appointments.

Alaric: Yes. And if my translations are correct, whoever wields it has the power to save the world. Or end all life as we know it. It's hard to say. *chuckles* Fourth century Gaulish is tricky.

Emma: Well, in that case, stop cleaning it and destroy the damn thing.

Alaric: Hmm. *grabs the apple on his desk, dropping it in the glass container he had the knife in. *watches the apple start to deteriorate* Hydrochloric acid. I've tried explosives, an acetylene torch, a circular saw. I've even run over it with my truck. And according to legend, it's indestructible. And I'm starting to agree.

Emma: So in addition to father, teacher, mentor, you've also added linguist, slayer of mythical creatures, and demolitions expert to your résumé. That's a lot to take on, especially all by yourself.

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