Death Keeps Knocking On My Door (Part 5)

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Later that Day -Salvatore Boarding School-(Nicole's POV)

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Later that Day
-Salvatore Boarding School-
(Nicole's POV)

After some more cello playing, I decided to take a break and go back to writing my letters to my lost loved ones. Aunt Delilah didn't mind, since she left to have the kitchen make her something to eat. While I was finishing my letter to Uncle Elijah, I heard footsteps coming towards me from behind. I couldn't stop the smile tugging on my lips when I felt Richie place a soft kiss on my cheek.

Richie: Hey. *sits down beside her*

Nicole: Hey.

Richie: I heard your aunt was here.

Nicole: *nods* Yeah, she went to get something to eat. I just hope she doesn't mind it's not being prepared by Gordon Ramsey or Richard Blais. So, did you write your letters?

Richie: *holds up three envelopes* Yeah. You?

Nicole: I finished Auntie Cami's and Jackson's letters. I'm almost done with Uncle Elijah's, which will leave my mom's and dad's left.

Richie: *notices she's trying to hide her sadness* After you're done, maybe we can hang out in my room and watch movies. I'll let you pick all of them, as long as I pick out the snacks.

Nicole: *smiles softly* Sounds great. *leans over and places a soft kiss on his lips* I heard it was supposed to get chilly tonight. Can I bring my heating blanket?

Richie: *chuckles* Sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if we end up making our own heat.

My cheeks immediately burn with blush, but then I hear the sound of my aunt giggling softly at us. We quickly turn our heads and see her peeking inside the doorway, smiling at us.

Delilah: Don't mind me, Kids. Just lovebird watching.

All of a sudden, I begin to have a vision. was about Hope. She was crying, all alone in the darkness. Then all I saw was his face. The Necromancer's. He was doing something to Hope. I know he was. As soon as I snapped out of my vision, I quickly looked at my aunt in worry.

Nicole: Hope's in trouble. That Necromancer has her trapped or something.

I watch as her eyes widen in fear and she vamps out of the room. I wanted to go with her, but I couldn't. I wasn't ready to face the walking corpse. Not yet.

Richie: Aren't you gonna go with her? *sees the hesitation all over her face* Scared?

Nicole: Not of him.

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