Death Keeps Knocking On My Door (Part 1)

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Flashback; Over A Thousand Years Ago-Mystic Falls Village-

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Flashback; Over A Thousand Years Ago
-Mystic Falls Village-

In the small village of what would one day be known as "Mystic Falls", Delilah was in the woods, picking flowers and herbs she needed for potions she had planned on making later. She was examining a couple blossoms when she heard Mikael shouting from nearby, making her eyes widen in worry. After she immediately stood up, she started running in the direction the angry shouting was coming from. Delilah soon found her brother in-law standing over her young nephew, Niklaus; his grip holding tightly onto an archery bow.

Mikael: I'll teach you for talking back, Boy! *raises the bow above his head*

Just as he was about to beat Niklaus, Delilah quickly grabs the bow, stopping him.

Delilah: *glaring deadly at him* Didn't your mother ever teach you it's horrible to beat a child, especially your own?

Mikael: *returns her death glare with one of his own* Get out of my way, you Wench!

Delilah: I'd watch my tongue, if I were you, Mikael. You may wake up one morning and find a stray dog eating it.

Mikael: *gritting his teeth* One of these days, Delilah...

Delilah: *cuts him off* You'll what? You forget what I am, Dear Brother In-Law. That'll be your downfall. I promise.

Mikael shoots her one last glare as he roughly pulls the bow out of her hand, surrendering.

Delilah: *smirks softly and looks down at Niklaus, leaning down to help him up* It's alright, Sweet Boy. Let's get you cleaned up.

Niklaus nods as he stands up, trying not to look at his father, who was glaring down at him. Delilah stands protectively in front of her nephew, shielding him from Mikael. She glances back at her two older nephews, Elijah and Daniel, who were standing silently behind Mikael.

Delilah: Come along, Boys. I'll need you to grab my things.

Elijah: *nods* Yes, Aunt Delilah.

The four of them soon walk away, leaving Mikael all by himself. Pretty soon, they arrive at their home and Delilah has Niklaus sit down, while she goes over to one of her baskets. She sorts through it and finds a small jar, grabbing it and going back over to her nephew.

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