This is the Part Where You Run (Part 2)

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The Next Day; Day 2-Salvatore Boarding School-

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The Next Day; Day 2
-Salvatore Boarding School-

I was finishing getting dressed in my school uniform, which consisted of a white half-sleeved blouse, a black ribbon tie, dark blue three buttoned vest with the school's "S" symbol, blue plaid trousers, and black ankle boots. Unlike my Aunt Rebekah, I wasn't big on hair and makeup. So I just style my hair in a half-updo and apply some watermelon lip balm on my lips. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, slowly rubbing my dad's rosary between my fingers. After a few seconds, I tuck that and my family's crest pendant under my blouse.

Nicole: Well Magic, I'll see you after my classes. *grabs her binder and pencil case, chuckling when Magic rubs her little body against her legs. She leans down and pets her head*

Even though I said I'd see her later, I knew I'd see her stalking the school grounds at some point today. And I don't have to worry about any of the vampire or werewolf students going after her, since I enchanted her collar with a protection spell. Because Lord knows Jed and his pack of walking dumbbells would chase her. After giving Magic a kiss on her head, I leave the bedroom and begin walking down the hallway. As I pass a window, I notice Headmaster Saltzman's car coming up the driveway and I smile, knowing my sister was back. I quickly rush down the staircase and immediately head towards the opened front doors.

Nicole: *smiling, seeing Hope getting out of the suv* Hey, Sis! *notices two teenage boys getting out of the backseat, her eyes widening when she recognizes the one with curly black hair* Landon?

Landon: *recognizes her* Nicole. Um,...chocolate milkshake with extra whipped cream, double hot fudge, and strawberry on top, right?

Nicole: *smiles, chuckling* I'm impressed. You remembered.

Landon: *chuckles softly and starts motioning at the boy beside him* This is my brother; Rafael.

Rafael: *smiles a little, obviously nervous about his new surroundings* Hey.

Nicole: *nodding a little* Hi.

Rafael: *looking back and forth between her and Hope, who was now standing beside her sister* So, guys twins?

Hope: *chuckles in amusement with her sister* Yeah, identical. I'm the oldest.

Nicole: *scoffs teasingly* And that's her excuse for bossing me around. *chuckles when Hope rolls her eyes*

I suddenly hear footsteps coming from behind and when I turn my head, I see Josie and Lizzie Saltzman, aka the unrelenting thorns in mine and Hope's sides.

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