Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 7)

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Later that Night -Richie's Dorm Room-(Nicole's POV)

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Later that Night
-Richie's Dorm Room-
(Nicole's POV)

As I was walking through the hallway, heading towards Richie's dorm, I was dreading every moment of it. I know we're not a couple, but I still didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Richie: *opening his door, after Nicole knocks on it* Hey.

Nicole: Hey. Um, mind if I come in?

Richie: Course not. *steps aside*

Nicole: *walking into the room, looking at him as he shuts the door* T-There's um, there's something I gotta talk to you about.

Richie: What is it?

Nicole: *glances down at the floor, looking back at him* Jenna asked me out. And I accepted.

Richie: *pauses* Oh. That's good.

Nicole: I'm sorry, Richie.

Richie: No, don't be. We're not dating. Besides, I saw you and Jenna dancing earlier. You guys seem to have a lot of chemistry. *sees tears in her eyes and chuckles a little* Why are you crying?

Nicole: *tears in her eyes, wiping them away* Because I'm crazy not to be in love with you. I mean, I love you, I always will, but...

Richie: *cuts her off* But not the way I wished you did. It's okay, Nicole. I found out we weren't meant to be a while ago. *gently cups her cheeks with his hands, staring down at her* Being with you this last week has been amazing, and that's enough for me.

Nicole: *staring up at him, smiling softly* It's been amazing for me too.

Richie smiled back at me, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my temple. I hugged him tightly, before I kissed his cheek and left to go tell Jenna the news.


-Richie's Bedroom-
(Richie's POV)

I silently watched Nicole walk out of my dorm, knowing I did the right thing. As I went to shut my door, I was almost knocked down by Logan, who came barging in.

Logan: *shutting the door behind him, staring at Richie in disbelief* Are you actually more idiotic than I thought you were? Why on earth would you give up so easily?!

Richie: *glaring at him* Well, I wish I could say that I'm surprised that you eavesdropped, but I'm not.

Logan: From what I've heard, you've been simping over Nicole since you were a mere pup. And now a cute little redhead witch strolls by, bewitches Nicole with a beautiful smile, and you roll over?

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