We're Being Punked, Pedro (Part 1)

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The Next Morning -Emma's Office-

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The Next Morning
-Emma's Office-

I was on my way to Emma's office to pick up my refill for sleeping pills. I gently knock on the doorframe as I walk inside, seeing her sitting in her chair.

Nicole: Hey, Emma.

Emma: *looks at her, smiling softly* Good morning, Nicole.

Nicole: I just came in to pick up my refill. *holds up her empty prescription bottle*

Emma: *frowns* Oh, I meant to tell you yesterday, but it slipped my mind. A couple of the ingredients I need are going to be arriving late, so you'll have to go without your pills for a few nights.

I felt my stomach turn and all my anxiety hits me like a ton of bricks.

Nicole: I told you five days ago that I was running low. Emma, I can't go a few nights without them!

Emma: You've been taking them for quite some time now. Perhaps being off of them won't affect your sleep.

Nicole: *scoffs* It will when I have a nightmare.

Emma: *stands up and walks towards her* Then maybe we should discuss what your nightmares are about. *sees the stubborn expression on her face* Nicole, you've been having these nightmares for over seven years and you've never once told me anything that happens in them.

Nicole: Yeah, and I'm not going to start now. *storms off, leaving her office*

Great. Now I'm going to have nightmares again and there's nothing I can do about it.


Later that Day
-Witches/Warlocks Class-

Hope and I were in class with our fellow witches and warlocks, including Lizzie, Josie, Allison, and Chris.

Dorian: *starts walking around them* Alright, gather together. *watches all of them hold each other's hands* Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch. *pauses when he notices Penelope wasn't there* Where's Penelope Park?

Lizzie: Um,...lady cramps, Mr. Williams.

Dorian: *pauses again* Sorry I asked. A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow.

Lizzie tried her best not to laugh at his comment, but then she and Josie laughing out loud. Hope and I roll our eyes at them.

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