Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn (Part 5)

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Later that Day -Football Field-(Allison's POV)

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Later that Day
-Football Field-
(Allison's POV)

Our team was in the fourth quarter of the game and we were killing it!

Kaleb: *heading back to the bleachers* Let's go! All day, Baby! And there's more where that came from.

Ally: *chuckling happily* You got that right.

MG: *smile fades away when he sees Josie walking towards Lizzie* Not if she's got anything to say about it.

Lizzie: *becomes confused when Josie suddenly takes the whiteboard and marker out of her hands* What are you doing?

Josie: *begins writing on the whiteboard* I'm calling an audible of my own.

Lizzie & Ally: *watches as she turns it around and sees she wrote "lose" on it* Seriously? *asks in annoyance*

Josie: I'm dead serious. And you should be, too. Dad told us to lose today for a reason.

Kaleb: Well, he ain't here. So screw that.

Josie: Yeah, no one would be here if it weren't for him. My dad built this school for supernaturals like us, so if we win by flaunting all the things that make us different, we're gonna lose a lot more than a stupid game. We'll lose everything. *looks at her sister* You really want Dad to stop loving us? Keep it up. And if you don't... *turns the whiteboard and shows her "lose" again*

MG: She's right, Lizzie. We got to lose the game.

Lizzie: *scolds at him* I didn't ask for your opinion.

Penelope's Voice: *coming from behind* Or...door number three.

Josie: *eyes widen a little when she sees her sitting beside MG and Chris* Okay, we definitely didn't ask for your opinion. And how on earth do you always do that? *looks at the others* It's like she appears out of smoke.

Kaleb: Hold up, hold up. *looks at Penelope* What's door number three?

Penelope: You win, without any of your supernatural special sauce. Fair and square.

Josie: Yeah, but we're legitimately terrible.

Ally: *scoffs* Speak for yourself, Saltzman. My grandpa, my dad, and both my uncles handed down their athleticism to me.

Lizzie: *suddenly realizes something* No, we used to be terrible, but Kaleb's new this year.

MG: *quickly speaks up* So am I. I can help us win, too. Yo, I caught that pass earlier.

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